in (170)

Website Letters Under Construction

If you are a small business and have not yet established an online presence, then you are missing out on a great opportunity to generate more revenue and profit for your company. As of early 2012, reports have shown that there were 2.4 billion internet users worldwide. The internet has become a great tool for buying and selling products and services, sharing files, communicating with friends and family, entertainment, education and many other activities. Many small businesses that acknowledge this fact have taken steps to build an online presence. Let us look at five top reasons why a website is good for your business.

People Are Online

As a consultant assisting women in business in rural Southern Alabama, I regularly get asked, “Since my business is very small and I only sell my products or services locally, do I really need a website?” My answer is always the same… YES! If you are a business owner, you need to have an internet presence. Here’s why:

  • Statistics have shown that about 2.2 billion people used the internet in 2011 - nearly a third of the earth's population.
  • More than $256 billion were spent by internet shoppers in 2011.
  • Current buying trends show that people purchase everything from books, jewelry, vehicles to live stock and real estate.
  • The number of people that make use of the internet every day is on the increase. This means about 70% of the earth's population have access to it.
  • Online shopping has become a normal activity for many internet users. It has proved to be more convenient and cheaper for them.

As you can see, being a small company does not matter when it comes to potential benefits from having a web presence.

Enhance Your Credibility

Since majority of the earth's population make use of the internet, a website is the best way to tell the world about you and your company. This is also an opportunity to explain why you deserve their confidence and trust. In fact, internet users today expect serious business owners to have an online presence. They use the internet to research before buying products and services. Therefore, a website is a great tool to provide useful information about your business and convince your audience that you offer the best product or service. Here are 4 ways to increase credibility to your website:

  • Update your website with pertinent and relevant information on a regular basis
  • Offer visitors with quick and flexible answers to their needs
  • Post testimonials from satisfied customers
  • Provide visitors with a comment section and make sure you respond in a timely manner

A well designed, informative and updated website will add credibility to your business and strengthen your brand.

Search Engine Optimization

Are your competitors outranking you in search results? Imagine a potential customer searching “Animal Clinic San Diego” and the results place your top 5 competitors on the first page while your website is ‘MIA’ (missing in action). Search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Mozilla will return the results that are most relevant.

A website that is designed to be an effective Internet marketing tool will increase your website traffic. This internet marketing technique is referred to as Search Engine Optimization. By generating quality back links and creating optimized content, you become an authority before search engines and increase the number of visitors that come to your website.

Global Presence

Imagine serving customers around the world? Since information is always available, people from all over the world can visit your website anytime; and inquire about the products or services that you offer. A website gives you a global footprint exposing you to an international market.

24/7 Exposure

Wouldn’t you like to wake up each morning and ‘ch-ching’ money has magically appeared in your business account? No magic… just a reality for many entrepreneurs. Having a website allows customers to purchase from you 24/7. Your website is sales machine, always open and making sales on your behalf.

I get daily requests for access to my blog. Here are excerpts of two emails that I received this week for access:

“We would like to send you high quality articles that fit your audience… 1 link going to our client's site to each post… pay you $20 per post… send articles in bulk.”

“We will pay you $30 for each article you post… basically our article is related with education”

In conclusion, as you can see, having a professional and optimized website is an important tool in your marketing strategy and a great way to position your company for global exposure.


About Author: Sylvia Browder is a small business consultant, trainer and author. She is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. She has served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs, She can be contacted at

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I have been abused
Mentally, Emotionally & Physically
I have been betrayed
Lied to and cheated on
I have had my belongings and money taken from me
I have lived with a crack addict And had to live his life instead of mine
I have been hurt so bad All I could think about is how to end my life.
                                                                        Worst of All ...
I have lost myself
The me that was is no longer In my mind, the only way out was to get out.  My mind was consumed with what I needed to do in order to end my life and be sure everything was in order so no one would be left with any of my problems.  I had these thoughts on two different levels.  1st I knew I had to do something to myself before things got so bad that my husband would do something to me and he would have to pay for it.  I couldn’t let my death be on his hands.  2nd I knew that I caused my children too much pain and stress and they would be better off without me.  The hurt I felt for causing my family pain and stress was too much to handle and this was the only way to make it up to them.
I know some of the things I am about to disclose are considered taboo.  I know this because when I tell my story, I suddenly have no friends left, no one wants to associate with me for fear my bad luck might rub off on them. 
I’m telling you these things in hopes of helping someone else who may be going through the same types of pains.  My life was turned upside down and I was ready to give up.  The things I will be telling you in the next few posts may not seem real and may detail some shocking events, however I can guarantee they are real.  Please don’t judge me until you hear the whole story.
  If you have ever been abused…If you have ever been betrayed…If you have ever been hurt so bad...If you ever felt like dying was an option to relieve the pain… Have you ever wanted to be loved so bad, you turned to someone or something that harmed your life in ways you never thought possible?
Everything in life is a gift from God.
He has allowed us to live through every experience
He has given us knowledge and wisdom from every experience.
We do not know his reason
Maybe it is so that one day we can help someone else in the same situation.
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21 speakers to EMPOWER Christian Women and Entrepreneurs during My Extraordinary Life and Business Success Telesummit


Christian Women are encouraged to step up and catapult their personal, spiritual and business growth via an empowering virtual (online) Event. Experience Rejuvenation, Transformation, Empowerment and Spiritual Renewal during this no cost event.


(Press Release) – Sept 11, 2012 – Imagine receiving insight from 21 savvy spiritually empowered experts in various fields that will catapult your personal, spiritual and business growth from the comfort of your home. The information shared is valued at thousands, however, you won’t pay that. The cost of this empowering event is FREE! Discover insider tips and strategies without the hype.


Why free? Robin Tramble the host of this event is passionate about empowering women to discover their authentic self, get unstuck, laser focused, so they can show up bold, brilliant, confident and empowered to get out there in BIG while prospering and making a difference in the world “authentically!”


My Extraordinary Life and Business Success Telesummit will include topics on business success, social media, life balance, health and fitness, mindset, empowerment, 6 figure manifestation, feminine, overcoming challenges and more. These fired up experts will share insights on breaking through to your Extraordinary Life and Business Success.


Our featured speakers include:

Diane Cunningham

Chris Makell

Michele Scism


Plus 16 more!


We invite you to take advantage of this empowering event. Your life will be enriched and your personal, spiritual and business growth will be catapulted!

Realize Rejuvenation, Transformation, Empowerment and Spiritual Renewal.


Of course we encourage you to make all of the calls, however, you will have access to the replay for a limited time. If you desire to secure a permanent copy for your collection you will be given an opportunity to do so.


You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!


My Extraordinary Life and Business Success Telesummit is sponsored by Robin Tramble International, World Wide Visibility Social Media and The Authentic Triple A.A.A. Woman Network. To secure your FREE VIP ticket go to



We look forward to having you join us!


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Robin Tramble works with Christian Women Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Speakers and Authors who want to discover their authentic self so they can make big changes or achieve some big results but are struggling to make it happen fast enough. She helps them get unstuck, laser focused, so they can show up bold, brilliant, confident and empowered to get their message out there in BIG way while prospering and making a difference in the world “authentically!”


Robin is CEO and Founder of Robin Tramble International, She’s a Professional “Authentic” Empowerment Specialist, Trainer, Coach and Public Speaker. Robin is also known as Empowerment Diva because she has carved out a niche in the area of empowerment. She has shared her empowerment tips on Good Day Sacramento as “Empowerment Diva” and was named 1 of 25 urban Entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Brand maker News. Robin has also upgraded her Social Proof with a certification as a Social Media Marketing Campaign Specialist to further support her commitment to helping Women get their message out there in a big way “authentically!”


Robin is also an accomplished keyboardist, singer and songwriter and plans to incorporate her musical gifts with her resources for women’s empowering personal development.


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Have you had that feeling of "envy" rearing it's jealous head when you come across a friend, peer or colleague who has accomplished something you have LONGED desired? What is so different about them than you? How come they have been able to make it happen and you haven't? What is their secret?

I attempt to answer this question in this video...the answer may surprise you

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Smart women understand that setting clear goals create a road map to follow and drastically increase chances of success in business. Regardless to where you are in your business cycle, the success of it is dependent on long and short term goals you’ve set and how a roadmap to getting there. What goals have you set for your business? Better yet, what actions have you taken toward accomplishing them? If you are not sure, here are 5 P’s of successful goal setting.

Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.” Tom Landry, football coach


Why is passion an important ingredient in business? Starting and running a business is extremely challenging. It takes endless time and attention. When you absolutely love what you do, then you will be able to face every uphill battle to overcome difficult obstacles as you work your way to the top. That passion will enable you to see your goals to the end.



Women are notorious for putting others first, especially their family and business. Unfortunately, doing so often causes stress, exhaustion or illness… if you are not careful!

Taking care of you should be priority! In setting your goals, it should be first about you, and then your family and business. Ultimately, you are in control of the ‘how, when, where and why’ of achieving your goals. Your goals must align, personally and professionally.



If you take a road trip and fail to plan your route, how likely will you reach your intended destination? Just as planning your route is critical; determining what goals you want to implement and creating a plan to review and measure progress is also.

Your goals need to be specific and attainable. Just saying you want ten new clients in the next six months is not enough? A great way to measure your progress is by implementing SMART Goals. SMART Goals is a simple tool used by businesses to formulate an actionable plan for results. SMART illustrates the 5 characteristics of an efficient objective:

  • S- specific
  • M - measurable
  • A – attainable
  • R – realistic
  • T – timely


Persistence is the key to success in business. It is the ability to remain steadfast when faced with adversity or opposition. Accomplishing your goals require consistent action. It’s easier said than done… but you must remain tenacious and push ahead! If you make a habit of tracking your progress and achievements so you can see how much closer you're getting with every step forward.

For example, instead of setting a goal to increase your internet marketing presence, you might want to list several specific ways you plan to do so, such as:

Pod casting: delivered via an RSS FEED and available via audio content.

RSS Feeds: Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an easy way to send information directly to online subscribers without using e-mail.
Article Marketing: Short articles written pertaining to industry related to a website. Articles are syndicated on the web and contain a back link to the website.
Press Releases: submitted to journalists in order to encourage them to develop articles on the subject.

Ultimately, people are in business to make a profit. This is extremely important for the health of your business. As a new or growing business, you need to be diligent about your finances. Some experts suggest reviewing your profit and loss statements, balance sheets and cash flow reports on a monthly basis. In addition, hiring a CPA or bookkeeper can be a wise investment.

Assess your present expenditures and establish goals that take into consideration your short and long-term financial objectives. Here are 3 helpful tools:

Goal Tracking Tools

  • Goals On Track - This goal tracking software does so much more than just assist in tracking your goals. It will help you prioritize, visualize and stay focused on what matters most.
  • 43 Things - An online tool to help you track your goals as well as motivate you through fellow member recommendations.
  • Joe’s Goals - An easy to use and extremely efficient online tool that is great for tracking your everyday goals.
  • Lifetick - a web based software that brings together goal setting and achievement like you've never seen before through its intuitive and easy to understand process.

In closing, goal setting is vital to remain successful and competitive. Your goals are extremely crucial to your roadmap to business success!

Download your FREE SMART Goal Setting fillable worksheet!

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Where can women find reliable resources to assist in the realization of empowerment “Spirit, soul and body?” Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva launches a 6 week ecoaching program “Extraordinary woman, Extraordinary life!”




Apr 20 2012 - 
Where can women find reliable resources to assist in the realization of empowerment “Spirit, soul and body?”  Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva launches a 6 week  ecoaching program “Extraordinary woman, Extraordinary life!”

Elk Grove, CA  April 20, 2012 – Women are becoming overwhelmed as a result of the economic downturn and some are finding themselves stuck, unable to grasp hold of the energy and persistence to move forward. Some are becoming sole earners in their homes as husbands are in transition from either being laid off or other reasons that have led to their current unemployment.  Although it has been stated that we may see relief, women are still needing and wanting programs and systems that will assist them in their endeavor to live their best empowered life, allowing them to thrive in the midst of any financial crisis, according to Robin Tramble, CEO and Visionary of Robin Tramble International.

“It is apparent that there is an echo, a sound of fear, confusion, discouragement and possible defeat. You can choose to survive or take action and thrive in 2012! Empowerment is a choice and women must become decisive action taking women if they're going to manifest their best empowered life.”  Having experienced some of the same things and now living a life of empowerment through learned systems and experience I can passionately share strategies and keys to discover your authentic self, get unstuck, overcome overwhelm, fear and how to stay focused in crisis. I have also been rewarded with witnessing the impact it has had on raising 4 children who are now all successful in their own rights.

The Empowerment Diva mentors, trains and coaches savvy women, aspiring, new and enterprising entrepreneurial women as they strive to realize their personal, spiritual and professional goals. Robin Tramble The Empowerment Diva is currently launching a 6 week eCoaching program complete with Bonus live calls for exponential personal, spiritual and business growth.

The three components are Spiritual workout, Body works and prosper your soul (mind, will and emotions)..

The Extraordinary woman, Extraordinary life ecoaching program is an excellent resource for women who desire to be equipped with keys and strategies to empower them to move to another level in their lives manifesting maximum empowerment and becoming an extraordinary woman leading an extraordinary life. When you take care of the internal structure you are laying a sure foundation for the external which renders a great return for business and ministry success.

“It’s the place to be for breakthrough results and to join with like-minded women from across the world in one place striving for their best empowered extraordinary life” Says Robin Tramble

Enrollment is being received here

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About Robin Tramble International

Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva is a definitive resource for savvy women, aspiring, new and enterprising entrepreneurial women. The Empowerment Diva passionately empowers women to live their best empowered life via a vast array of empowering resources for the express purpose of assisting them as they strive to realize their dreams and desires. 

Robin Tramble is qualified to mentor women in their life empowerment journey through her training, experience in the work force, education, working at home and personal experiences. 

Robin Tramble is also an author and recoding artist and plans to creatively combine her music into another empowering resource for women.


Find out more about here at

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An unhealthy soul can destroy your life!

How’s your soul? Do you need a healing for your soul (mind, will and emotions)? An unhealthy soul will cause you to display disempowering habits. An unhealthy soul will render unhealthy relationships. An unhealthy soul can block the anointing. An unhealthy soul can block “The blessing!” Soul Prosperity is what you need.

Unchain Your Soul Prosperity!

What does a healthy soul have to do with prosperity? Well we read in the word Beloved I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health EVEN as your soul prospers. It wasn’t coincidental that Father God added, “even as your soul prospers.” He was very specific about the fact that you should be prospering your soul. Are you intentional about your soul prosperity? No prosperity isn’t just about money it’s actually abundance in every area of your life!

If you’re having a challenge in your relationships, business, ministry, your life, you might want to take a peak at your soul and don’t just peak at it do something about it.

Your soul comprises of your mind, will and emotions. An unhealthy soul is at the very core of some of your self sabotage, it is what separates the empowered,fruitful child of God from the one that is up and down, pretentious, unfruitful, unstable and more.

Isn’t it time you had a healing for your soul?

If you enjoyed this Sunday Inspiration and you want to go deeper, I invite you to join other dynamic women and I for the next call in my Telesries entitled “Be unstoppable. Healing for your Soul! The 7 irrefutable keys to unchain your soul prosperity.”

If you’re not registered go here to gain access to this power-packed, empowering and transformational event for women.

When: Wednesday, April 18 at 1:00 PT, 3:00 CT, 4:00 ET. Can’t make the live call? The replay will be available to all registrants.

Say this “I’m living the Extraordinary, Glorious and Blessed Life!”


Want to use this article in your newsletter,Ezine on our website or blog? You can as long as you include the blurb below and retrieve the entire post. Robin Tramble empowers Savvy Women, aspiring, new and enterprising women entrepreneurs to manifest their bold, brilliant, confident and empowered self, get laser focused, get out there in a BIG way, while prospering and making a difference in the world “authentically!” You can experience a taste of her EMPOWERMENT via her 6 day ecourse “Empowered 4 success”

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Got Clients? Quick and easy tips to help you attract clients.

Do you have a plan in place to attract your ideal clients? I know attraction is not the end all in your client getting strategy, however, you do need to attract them to sign them or ask them and better yet wow them so that they ask you where they pay or sign on the line?

As a woman entrepreneur it’s easy to get side tracked and major on
the minors. One of the things you may not spend enough time on is
marketing, but without marketing you won’t have clients/customers and
without clients/customers you’re not in business for long.

So how do you attract clients? Great question.

I’m going to share a few tips with you below. Some you may be aware of but
just aren’t doing them or you may be new and don’t know where to begin.

One simple way is your signature. You can add a small blurb at the end
of your outgoing emails. Most providers have it set up where it automatically attaches to the end of your email. You want the most prominent information at the top. If you most want them to visit your website to get your free report, audio etc. then you want to put that at the top and maybe your title beneath.

Another place is in forums and network blogs. A caution on network blogs make
sure that this is allowed. Depending on the mission of the network you may not be allowed to add your signature at the end of your posts. Don’t start off promoting immediately in the forums. Get to know the people there. Watch for conversations that you can lend your expertise to and post. Attach your signature to the end of your posts.

Provide an IFO on your blog or website
What? No opt in box on your blog or website? You bet. There are many sites I visit that don’t have any way to capture their leads or the information from prospects that show up to their site. Most individuals will never invest in you products upon their first visit, so you must have a value added IFO (irresistible free offer) ready for them to raise their hand to provide their information in exchange for your value added IFO. Notice I said value added.

There are many ways to attract clients, however, if you start here you will find that it makes a world of difference. I wasn’t adding my signature at one point not because I didn’t know but because I just didn’t take the time to do it. Once I did I started adding more people to my list.

There is a lot more that goes into attracting clients and one thing is to make sure you are attracting your ideal client. Your ideal client wants your solutions, is ready and willing to pay you for your results driven solutions.

The key is being visible to the right market, niche, sending the right message, showing yourself as an authority in your area, adding value and building relationships.

Want to learn more about attracting your ideal clients? Join me for my ULTIMATE “Marketing YOU” party! 21 JUICY ways to Confidently Get Your Message Out There, Get Leads, Clients and Profits “Authentically!”

This will be one of the most electrifying and empowering training events that I’ve done and I’ve facilitated a few.

Register, put this on your calendar, and commit to showing up. Success is 80% showing up. Get Your favorite glass, champagne glass and fill with your favorite nutritious drink and get ready for my BIZ Rockin’ Event because that’s what superstars do right? Talk to you soon “superstar! Click here to request your VIP access to my “Marketing YOU” TRAINING event!

As always I welcome your comments.

Robin aka The Empowerment Diva
EMPOWERMENT and Certified Social Media Marketing
Campaign Specialist

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In a recent conversation with a friend who is CEO of a construction company, I explained how doing business with the government could potentially take her business to the next level. She shared her frustration at responding to RFP (request for proposal). She had bid on many over the years and each time, they were awarded to the same male owned businesses! She then blurted, “If only I could think like a man… I could have won some of those contracts!

Hmmm, is she right? Do women need to imitate men to be more competitive in business? Should a woman ‘think like a man’ to be more successful in business? Maybe OR maybe not!

Can an Assertive Woman Get What She Wants?

While it is acceptable for men to be assertive; on the other hand, women who go after what they want without apologizing along the way are viewed as aggressive or worse, a witch (drop the ‘w’ and add ‘b’). So, how can women use this to their advantage?

Women can:

  • Be Firm: whether it’s a handshake or the price of your services! We’ve all done it before; lowered the price of our products or services for the sake of closing the deal or meeting the needs of a potential client. Avoid this behavior! By doing so compromise your expertise and integrity.
  • Speak up: let your voice be heard. ‘Say what you mean… and mean what you say!’ Stand firm in your beliefs! When engaged in a discussion, ensure that others understand your message and are able to communicate any questions or concerns as appropriate.
  • Play the Part. It is imperative that you look the part of a successful and self-assured entrepreneur. Whether meeting with a potential client or business partner, attending networking event or giving a speech, IMAGE is EVERYTHING! Give a firm handshake, establish eye contact and engage others.

Afraid to Take a ‘Chance?’ Odds of Winning… 50/50!

Men are encouraged to take chances. The unknowndoesn’t scare them as it’s a part of doing business. Most women shy away from situations that are uncomfortable or daring.

To take advantage of this strength, it is crucial for women to evaluate, manage and take risk in business. Say you are faced with a challenge and pondering if it is worth taking a chance. Ask yourself:

  1. What is the worst thing that could happen if things went amiss?
  2. If it happened, how would you handle it?
  3. What positive things could you learn from this situation, regardless of the conclusion?

Life is full of chances! By embracing challenges and obstacles head on, lessons learned from them is well worth it!

Men vs Women in Networking… Which Gender is More Effective?

Men are very skilled at networking. They take full advantage on the golf course, during happy hours and at other informal settings. They cut to the chase and go from introduction to deal.

Women believe in the importance of ‘know, like and trust’which eventually cultivate into business. They develop great relationships but don’t take advantage of their interpersonal or social strengths.

Statistics show that 70% of new business is generated from referrals from networking events. In a recent article, Nicole Williams, author of "Girl on Top: Your Guide to Turning Dating Rules into Career Success,” says, “Women tend to equate networking with "schmoozing" or handing out business cards. In reality, networking is about building relationships before you actually need them."

While women have different strengths and communication styles than men, there are a few simple tips to help in getting the most BANGout of a networking event.

  • Create a Mini Action Plan for Every Event. When attending an event, it behooves you to know who will be there. Take time to research the purpose of the event, attendees, presenters, vendors and businesses. Then you can decide who you want to connect with. Imagine meeting a potential client and acknowledge a recent award they received.
  • Practice your Pitch. You will meet a lot of people and have the opportunity of introducing yourself and business. Make sure your message is clear and concise. Fine tune your elevator pitch to make the most of your conversation.
  • Follow Up. Within the next week, make sure you follow up with e-mails, phone calls or a simple letter. The key is to connect with potential people that can be beneficial to your company. For most women, this is the easy part as they tend to be thorough with follow-up, delivery of promised information, or promptly scheduling of meetings.

In conclusion, it’s apparent that women and men speak different languages. Neither gender is all right or all wrong. So, it is not necessary for them to ‘Think like a man,’ rather; learn from what they are doing right!


About Author: Sylvia Browder is a small business consultant, trainer and author. She is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. She has served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs, She can be contacted at

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3 Ways to Have A Successful Week!

As the CEO of your business, I think it's most important to evaluate and know the results you're looking for each week.  That won't happen if you don't have clarity in your business and if you haven't identified the "to-do" items that will support your goals.

So, I'd like to share 3 things that you can do to have a successful business week every week:

1. Gain Clarity on what you want to experience for the week financially.  Now divide that figure by the average cost of your service or product and it will give you how many customers you'll need. Stay focused on that number and write down at least 5 ways to reach your goal.

2. Identify 3-5 new contacts to connect with each week (daily M-F).  Create a script in advance and remember that if they have a business allow them to share what they do as well.  Discuss ways you can help one another and directly ask if he or she could use your product or service at this time.

2. Review your schedule every Sunday evening.  If there are any business to-do items, appointments or activities that don't support you meeting your  overall business vision or goals for the week - eliminate them.

Here's to your business success!

Women About Biz

Successful Woman Radio Show


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Is Women's Empowerment Really Necessary?


Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social, or economic strength of individuals and communities. It often involves the empowered developing confidence in their own capacities. Wikipedia

Do you think women’s empowerment is even necessary? What are your thoughts about empowerment? We are so accustomed to running with new concepts, theories and such that we fail to fully understand the true essence. I believe this is what happens with the concept of women’s empowerment.

The process of empowerment The process which enables individuals/groups to fully access personal/collective power, authority and influence, and to employ that strength when engaging with other people, institutions or society. In other words, “Empowerment is not giving people power, people already have plenty of power, in the wealth of their knowledge and motivation, to do their jobs magnificently We define empowerment as letting this power out (Blanchard, K).” It encourages people to gain the skills and knowledge that will allow them to overcome obstacles in life or work environment and ultimately, help them develop within themselves or in the society. Wikipedia

If you are going to be equipped for the mission you’ve set forth for your business and life, empowerment is a needed ingredient in your recipe for the realization of a juicy manifestation of empowering success.

Show me a woman who is empowered and I’ll show you an unstoppable woman.

Empowerment is a choice. Empowerment doesn’t chase you down and beg to be part of your journey. You must choose to seek out resources that will allow you to maximize your empowerment.

You are a spirit, you have a soul and you live in a body. Each must be nurtured if they’re going to be and remain strong, even so for your personal, spiritual and business life. This has been said to be a male dominated world and as such women must become empowered to stand in their own power, to step up and play a bigger game. You must be confident in yourself and the gifts that you have to offer to the world. Let’s take it a step further for those of you who may be dealing with fear, when you are confident of God in you it “trumps” fear.

Is women’s empowerment necessary? Yes, if you’re going to have a competitive advantage and differentiate yourself in the marketplace. Whether you’re in the corporate world, a work at home mom, woman entrepreneur, stay at home mom, wife, leader in ministry, single mom, executive etc. make the choice for maximum empowerment today!

Here’s a biblical reference to empowerment . . . In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides]. Ephesians 6:10 Amplified version

If you’re ready right now to take charge of your life, join dynamic women and I for my Teleseries “Revealed: Essential Divalicious Success Secrets for an Extraordinary Life and Business.” Click here to learn more and get started.

Create and Enjoy Empowering Success. Say yes to The Rich Life, Best Life, Good Life, and Extraordinary Glorious Life!

What does empowerment mean to you?

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Is it me or is our life filled with nos? It begins as a toddler. No sally, no Jim, no Tijuana, no marcelle, no, no, no! I found myself saying no when raising my children sometimes without thinking. I soon became intentional about saying yes. I mean how bad could it be to have 2 chocolate chip cookies instead of one, stay an extra hour at a friend’s when you agreed upon 2 etc.?

On another note we often catch our children, loved ones doing something wrong. I happened upon a statement that suggested we catch our children doing good. Soooo I vowed that I would watch for and catch my children doing good. You should have seen their little eyes light up when I made a big fuss over them doing good.

How’s your life going? Are you realizing your desired just because? Have training opportunities come your way and without even a thought you say no by neglecting to invest or worse coming up with excuses why you can’t do it right now? And I’m not saying that there aren’t valid reasons for why one is not in the market to invest yet.

What about your health? You desire to acquire the taste for healthy meals, an active lifestyle as opposed to a sedentary lifestyle. You say no by avoiding the task of developing a healthy menu, scheduling in time to do exercises that fit your lifestyle, reading about alternate foods to boost your metabolism instead of loading you up with carbs, sugar, empty calorie foods and such.

Do you see what I’m saying?

I challenge you to say Yes! Yes to the Rich Life, Good Life, Best Life, Extraordinary Glorious Life! Be Unstoppable.

Watch the video. Do the Divalicious Yes Dance and join me for my next call. Click here to request access to my Women’s Empowerment FREE Teleseries.

And if you want to go deeper, consider saying yes to more by investing in The Extraordinary Woman, Extraordinary Life ecoaching program with bonus live calls.




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FREE Training Confidently Market Your Biz like a Superstar on a Shoestring

Attention: Women Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Authors or other Women in Business and you Smart Men who’ve also raised your hands to glean from my expertise…..

Are you struggling with marketing your business? Do you get anxious at the thought of marketing your business online?

“Finally the truth about marketing your business online without the overwhelm, with little or no money so you can increase your profits while having free time left over for what matters most!”

Robin Tramble Empowerment and Certified Social Media Marketing Campaign Specialist will share with you How You Can Market Like A Superstar on a Shoestring Budget!

Here’s some of what you’ll discover

Importance of a Magnetic Superstar Marketing Mindset
7 Shoestring Marketing ideas and resources
One mistake you’re making that’s sabotaging your sales success
3 Steps to Online Marketing Success
One thing you must do if you’re going to jump start your marketing endendeavors
Fast and easy ways to market your business with little or no money
How to leverage your time and double your productivity
Fatal mistakes you’re making with your website
And more!

If you’re tired of reinventing the wheel and doing it alone. Tired of the information overload and hype this call is one you don’t want to miss.

Request VIP access to my FREE training here

We’re rolling out the carpet for you!

Only 200 phone lines

Talk soon!

Coach Robin

EMPOWERMENT and Certified Social Media Marketing Campaign Specialist


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Empowered to Say No

Empowered to Say No


When asked to take on a task and you know that you don’t have time to fit it in your day do you

1) Say I’m sorry I’m unable to do that at this time

2) Say I’m sorry I’m unable to do that at this time while feeling guilty or

3)You agree to do it knowing full well that it will be next to impossible to fulfill it?
One of the biggest hindrances to one’s endeavor to lead a balanced and healthy life is the inability to say no.

Many things contribute to one’s inability to simply say no without the guilt. It can b a problem with needing approval, not wanting to be rejected which is complicated by low self esteem.

Generally speaking, people can’t say no to someone asking them for something because they are so worried about upsetting the person or lack the courage to turn down the request. People often dislike disagreeing, or believe saying yes is easier than saying no. Others can simply not say no. However, there are often instances where it is best to say no to a request and it is important to learn how to utter that small little word, “no.”

You can become empowered to say no.

Discover simple strategies to say no, politely but firmly.
It’s you schedule and your life. You don’t have to come with excuses or stories. If you don’t value your time no one else will. You can say no without being dishonest.
Here are a few ways you can say no.
• No. I would only be able to do a mediocre job right now.
• No. I don’t have any spare time right now.
• Not this time, please give me more notice next time and I’ll work it into my schedule.
• I can’t accept this, with my present commitments. I’m sorry.
• I’m rather quite busy now. I must decline.
• I don’t think I have the time for it, as I am in the middle of something important.
• After looking at my calendar, I found that I already have prior commitments.
• I can’t.
• Why don’t you try someone else? I’m not the right person for this.

Take some time to come up with some additional ways that you can say no that feel authentic to you and our personality. If you aren’t sure, you can always ask for time to make the decision without feeling guilty. You may say you will have to think about it. If somebody persists with the request when you want to say no, you may have to be assertive and firmly decline. You don’t need to risk over committing by saying yes when you actually want to say no.

When you neglect being honest when approached by your boss for instance and you know that you couldn’t possibly fulfill the request in excellence you are putting your job on the line.

If you can show your boss, the reasons for not being able to accept the extra responsibility, you may be able to convince your superior about your inability to accept the additional work. Don’t accept anything that puts your job at risk or makes you suffer later.

Believe it or not learning to say no at the right time can help you gain respect with your peers and help avoid dire situations.

When saying no do so with confidence and if you lack confidence well this is an area that you want to work on. An inability to say no will be a definite hindrance to your personal empowerment.

Boost your confidence and self esteem. Celebrating the uniqueness of you will go a long way in enhancing your ability to say no without feeling guilty.

Besides when you don’t truly desire or have room to fulfill the request you’re not being authentic and you know I’m all for being authentic.

Here’s to your no-ability!

I know you enjoyed this post and maybe you’d like to go deeper. I’d like to invite you to join me for my new Teleseries. Click here to join my Teleseries “Essential secrets to Extraordinary Life and Business Success!”

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Be Unstoppable!
"Tired of struggling with negative, dead beat, unhealthy personal and business relationships?
Finally manifest the confident, brilliant, irresistible, empowered, fierce, fabulous and extraordinary you for realized increased attractions and promotions!"
FREE Online Event for Women Click here to learn more and register.
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At a recent workshop I facilitated, a participant shared that she didn’t understand the big ‘hype’ about having a website. Though she had one; she hadn’t attained any customers from it. I explained that having a website is a good first step, but not enough to gain clients. If you are not engaging your visitors, chances are they will never return. Do you have a website but not sure how to guide traffic to it? Here are 5 ways to steer traffic to your website:

Register with Major Search Engines

An important step to steer traffic to your website is to make sure is it is listed on all the major search engines such as Bing, Google and Yahoo. This is one of the most efficient ways of directing free, targeted traffic to your website. It’s easy and takes just a few minutes of your time.

Respond to Questions and Comments

People leave comments for a reason; they are interested in your response. By responding, you’re letting them know that you’re actively involved in reading the comments and encouraging them to visit again. In addition, this is an effective way to become known in your industry as an expert.

Develop Article Marketing Strategy

Blogging is an easy way to drive traffic to your website and establish yourself as an expert in your industry. If executed effectively, this can be a smart online marketing strategy and an affordable way to grow your business. Blogging is ‘big business’ among entrepreneurs, writers and those who just want to express themselves thru electronic communication. More and more businesses are blogging as they realize the benefits. There are several online sites where you can submit your articles for publication and back link to your website:

In addition, posting your articles on various social media sites is a great marketing strategy to generate traffic back to your website. Post your article using the following FREEsocial networks:

Use Social Bookmarking Services

Social bookmarking sites allow you to search, organize, share and store the bookmarks of different web pages. You are also able to promote articles and stay ahead of your competitors. Here are 3 popular social book marketing services:

  • Digg– The ultimate social media site; it’s become notorious for producing traffic waves so massive that they can have a DOS-style impact on smaller hosts.
  • Stumble Upon – Helps members discover and share great websites. As you click Stumble, the site delivers high-quality pages matched to your personal preferences. These pages have been explicitly recommended by your friends or one of 8 million+ other web surfers with interests similar to you.
  • – A social bookmarking website; users can mark their favorites with and share them with each other; making it onto the front page of the “recently popular” section on will send a decent amount of traffic so long as the category you’re tagged into is popular.

Create Videos

Video marketing is all the RAVE! Whether creating how to, testimonial, product review or interview videos for your website, it increases brand awareness and creates viewer action leading to more inquiries and sales. In fact, according to Online Video Marketing Statistics, adding video to small business profiles:

  • Increases number of business profile views more than 100%
  • Increases number of profile clicks more than 30%
  • Increases number of calls generated by more than 18%

In conclusion, by using these FREE methods to create visibility to your website, you will be able to generate more traffic over time, thus, have a steady flow of potential leads.

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Power up your Social Media Marketing with this for a profitable experience

There are 5 basic steps that you must follow if you’re going to have a profitable
Social Media experience. One of those steps is to identify your goal for each network.

There are many ways in which Social media can bring marketing success to your business. Before you start it’s important to know what exactly it is you’re trying to achieve. This will enable you to track your success and tweak your various methods easier to work on once things have started rolling with your business.

Social Media can assist in many different aspects of your marketing. Whether you are aiming at driving traffic to your site, generating referrals and sales, or just plain having a way to communicate with both current and prospective clients, social media makes this entire process much easier to accomplish.

There are a few things to keep in mind, however. the simple goal of accumulating connections through social media outlets is not the only thing necessary for a successful business. Having lists of thousands of “followers” or “friends” in your various social media platforms may be nice, but it will not make you the successful businessperson you are striving for if nobody does anything but make small talk.

There’s another important step that I’ll share as a bonus and this is to identify your strategy for not only obtaining these followers, but converting them into actual paying clientele. Another option would be to add them as associates or affiliates. It’s important to have some type of product or service each of these potential clients can relate to, in reference to their own needs. Do keep in mind that blatant sales pitches could result in rapid loss of your followers or contacts. Try to find a “happy medium” per se, where you will be providing added value information or suggestions these contacts will find useful.

Power up!

I invite you to receive additional insights on Social Media by joining other dynamic women and I for “Empowerment Diva Rocks Social Media and You Can Too!” A Free Social Media training for beginners

Secure your VIP Access to my Bonus Social Media Training Call here

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Image Courtesy of Fotolia

As women in business, we know all too well that new customers don’t just fall into our laps; we must create a stellar plan for them to land there. Simply, the art of marketing is paramount to your overall success. So what does it take? Here are the 3 L’s to ensure that potential clients continuously land your way:


There are a multitude of FREEor low cost sources that can be used to help your business with highly-qualified sales leads.

Here are 3 ways to build your leads:

  • Social Networks: Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are great FREE sources and highly effective in lead generation as it brings potential clients to your business.
  • Website: By creating a web presence, will bring new traffic to your site. Traffic = Leads! The key is to consistently publish fresh content such as articles, videos or interviews that highlights what your business offers and the benefits gained. In addition, having a FREE offer to entice visitors to leave their contact information is effective.
  • Referral Marketing: If you’ve spent time on relationship building, establishing communication, building trust and resolving potential problems or conflicts, then your customers will see little risk in recommending your company to their peers.

Just as people do business with people they know and trust, they also feel more comfortable when a product or service is recommended by a friend. A prospect that was referred to you has already been told about the quality and professionalism that you provide your customers with.

Say after implementing this or a similar plan, you've gained 25 new leads per week. That’s 1300 new leads per year!


One of the most vital tools for business owners is the ‘LIST.’ To remain competitive, it’s do or die! Your list is simply a database used to store your contacts such as name, business name, address, email, phone number and website address and more! If you need database software, A few systems that I am familiar with:
  • ACT: makes it easy for you to manage your contacts and calendar, and connect to powerful, subscription-based sales and marketing services.
  • FileMaker Pro: worldwide leader in easy-to-use database software

There are many ways to build a list, but here are two that work for me:

E-newsletter: The use of e-newsletters has quickly come to be an indispensable component of the advertising campaigns of many businesses, large and small! This is an easy, low-cost and profitable way to be introduced to warm leads! Consider increasing your chances by creating a landing page that includes a ‘free offer’ or ‘discount’ on specific services. Make sure you use a service such as:

Article Marketing: This is an effective and cost efficient way to provide solutions to potential prospects and current customers. Be sure your articles are well written with relevant content that relates to your niche. Your website or blog should include an RSS feature which allows visitors to subscribe to your feed.


Ever wonder how billionaires such as Oprah Winfrey or Donald Trump are so successful? By leveraging their time and resources of course! This is a no brainer way to grow your business… by leveraging established relationships with your clients and your network!

Not sure how to leverage? Here are 3 ways:

Leverage Peers. Can you think of any business owners that you know and whom you share mutual customers with? You should be running, not walking to discuss a collaborative venture. For instance, if you are a business writer, you can partner with a web designer, PR firm and / or an ad agency; and a realtor can partner with a mortgage lender, title service and home builders. The key is to learn about each team members business so that you can promote it as you would your own. Your new sales team will enable you to grow more rapidly. It makes so much sense to work smarter and not harder!

Leverage Experts. Partner with industry experts to collaborate on a project. For example, create an audio or video series by interviewing experts. Dr. Shannon Reece interviewed 12 leading women experts and offered the live events FREE to those who registered. These experts shared personal and professional experiences and keys to success. This series will soon be available at a cost. Can we say passive income!

Leverage Investors. Do you need capital to expand your business? Consider exploring investors who are willing to finance your growth. This can be a daunting task, but the outcome well worth it! As you near your forty-ninth business pitch, that fiftieth might be your lucky charm!

So what strategies will you put in place to continuously obtain leads; manage your list and leverage your resources?

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Social Media is more than the latest trend. It is strongly becoming a must use tool for Businesses that are positioning themselves to gain a big piece of the market they’ve deemed their target. If you want to be seen as an authority in your field you’d do yourself justice by either acquiring the skills to utilize and I will say “effectively” use Social Media or outsource it.

Here are 7 Social Media Mistakes You Might Be Making That are costing you Business and Clients. 

1. You’re less than Authentic
You know I’m going to talk about being authentic some where in this post. So why not start right from the top. Your followers whether on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc. can smell a lack of authenticity a mile away and once they do the won’t be around for long. And I’m not stating this as a trend or the latest term being shopped around. People will follow those they can trust and so this is a great segway to embracing the know, like and trust factor. Do this and you’re on your way to converting your followers in to customers and clients who will sing your praises “to others!”


2. You are not clear on your Goal

This is one of the most significant steps to realizing a profitable experience on Facebook. What is it that you wish to accomplish with Social Media and even more important what is your goal on each Social Media Network that you designate as your focus. If you’re beginning start with one to focus on. Of course you can set up an account on the the two major networks Twitter and Facebook and you might even give it a try on Linkedin, however, you want to focus on really getting a handle on one as your primary focus and then move on to another one. Take the time to get clear on your goal.

3. You’re not clear on your Target Market
This is step 2 if you desire to realize a profitable experience on Facebook. This is also one area many are missing it. You’re all over the place and your language is confusing. I’m sure you’ve heard the statement “a confused mind” doesn’t buy. If you want to amp up your results take the time to do your homework and define who your target market is. If Facebook is your primary focus right now, who is your target market? When you post on your Facebook page you should be speaking in terms of your target market. We haven’t even talked about your niche, however, even before getting to deep into that you need to determine who are Target Market is.

4. You’re not Engaging

Are you simply posting links and offers on your social media networks? This is a FATAL mistake. The Social is not in Social Media just because. If you’re going to have empowering success using Social Media you must engage and it must be value added.

5. Too much Promotion – Close to Spamming
There is a ratio that I like to mention to my clients and that is to serve up 60% Value added posts, 20% Retweets, sharing on Facebook and 20% sharing of your offers, links and such.

One thing that can sabotage your empowering success when attempting to effectively use Social Media that will render customers, clients and convert them into those that sing your praises “to others” is too much promotion which can actually be considered spamming or close to it.

6. Out of balance with Quality vs Quantity
Sure it’s great to have thousands of followers, friends and likes, however, what good does it do if you don’t have a balance of good quality content going out to a quality of followers, friends and community of individuals who have liked your Facebook page?

When starting out you may be tempted to go for the quantity as you’re creating your page because you need 25 to get the username and that’s after your first use of the no limit to get the username but after that your goal should be to gain targeted likes, followers, friends and to not only post the maximum of updates, tweets but to post value added content.

If you’re looking for a profitable experience, take the time to create a healthy balance between quality posts, quality targeted followers, friends and likes.


7. You’re operating with a negative mindset

Operating with a negative mindset can sabotage your empowering success with Social Media. In one of my posts I refer to 3 mindsets to avoid which includes; The inferiority, Scarcity and It’s Too Late For Me mindset. These are three to avoid. You must embrace a positive mindset. A mindset of success. Feeling like you don’t have enough, that there isn’t enough to go around and so you feel there’s no room for you or that it’s too late will cause you to give up before you even begin or throw in the towel right before a possible breakthrough. Cultivate a positive mindset. This is just an excerpt from my post but you get the gist of it don’t you?


I’ve shared great content on the mistakes you may be making when using Social Media that are costing you business and clients. Of course this is a list of a few of the mistakes.

Social Media is a phenomenal tool when used correctly which brings me to my next point. It’s up to you to acquire the skills needed to upgrade your life and business. I’m offering you an opportunity now.

I invite you to register for my Jump Start Your Social Media and Online Marketing Success Teleseries! Go here and secure your place and discover more about building your list and attracting clients within 30 days! If you’re serious about growing your business you should be building your list/community and when you do it effectively you will greatly enhance your ability to attract clients within 30 days!

Go ahead request your FREE access now!

I’d love to read your thoughts. You’re welcome to leave a comment. Thanks!

Your Empowering Coach “The Empowerment Diva”


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Black women can’t get married, black women are getting fat, black women are ugly, black women are suffering mental health issues, black woman took a relentless bashing in 2011. I was appalled to she not only the discriminatory material published on black women but more so at the frequency. What is this obsessive interest in the failings of black women?


Two the most offensive pieces seen on black women in 2011 was the report published by Pyscology today, labelling on accounts of scientific research that black women are the ugliest women of all the races and then just recently the Dutch magazine that referred to the singer Rihanna in the title of the article as the "Ultimate Niggabitch". Unbelievable, unacceptable and just racist. Would such defamatory material be published on white, muslim, jewish, or women of other races? Black women are no lower or less deserving of respect than any other race.



The main areas of this anti-black woman media bashing.

Social research is often not a matter of finding truth or fact but instead finding evidence to support a pre-decided theory, where the truth is bent to fit the theory and not the theory to fit the truth. The point here is not that all these reports are lying and that there are not marital issues within the black community or an increase in obesity, however the facts are presented in a jaundiced manner. It’s easy to say that 42 percent of black women are not yet married, if in that 42 percent women under the age of sixteen are included or if the two to one ratio of men to women is not taken into account. Further, didn’t marriage rates decrease and divorce rates increase across the board in western society? This is not a problem unique to the black community and we do not have a monopoly on social vices.

There are so many reports that take social vices and concentrate on pointing out the black community as the black sheep, when many of such vices are shares across all races. However, the media presents its reports in a way that leaves the question in the readers mind of “what’s wrong with black women?”

"Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position so as to benefit oneself or one's group." - Wiki

I’m concerned that a terrible impression of black women is being moulded. Common misconceptions of black women are being exaggerate and exploited by the media, putting the black women more than 50 years behind time. Black women must stand and step out of the shadow of prejudiced judgment.

In Love & Marriage: Happy Black Women Would be Bad for Media Business, writer Theresa Lasbrey argues that the media launched an “anti-black woman campaign” to counter the image of the Obamas. She writes that the media screams, “The Obamas are not the norm! Do not dream of this for yourself! It is just coincidence that in 2011 every month came with some form of anti black woman report or “study”?

Such media slurs promote self-hate and batters the esteem of black women. We are constantly being told that something is wrong with us, that black men don’t love us, that we are fat, ugly, stupid, loud, poor, difficult etc. Worse still this persistent negative bashing has both blacks and whites believing that there is something wrong with black women in particular.

In surveys of predominantly white participants, negative results are reported as an increase in "something" of women, not an increase of "something" in “white” women. Why so race specific when a particular social vice is high in the black community although it is present for all races such as decrease in marriage and increase obesity.

The situation worsens when black people join the anti-black woman media campaign.The Denzel Principle: Why a Black Woman Can’t Find a Good Black Man, blames black women for setting their standards too high, being too picky, not just settling for any man that sets eyes on them.

Unfortunately, we tend to believe that publications in books or reputable newspaper means that the information must be a valid source of truth. Perhaps that was the case some years ago, but in our times, it’s more often a valid source of someones opinion, as seen by the following popular media outlets.

The Nightline multi-part special entitled “Why Can’t a Successful Black Woman Find a Man?” again blames the character and goals of black women as the hinderance to us finding a man.


The Economist article, Sex and the Single Black Woman: How The Mass Incarceration Of Black Men Hurts Black Women, contributes to the scare campaign.

The Media should to be held accountable for publishing content promoting racial discrimination and Black Media needs to stop assisting the character assassination of its own people and instead writing about solutions where problems exist.

Say “No More”, to anti-black woman media bashing by signing this petition created by All Black Woman. We have already addressed the petition to some of the most outrageous publications of 2011 and intend to name and shame those who would continue such discriminatory behaviour in 2012 by adding them to the petition list. Black Sista will be watching!





Original article at the following link:

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