management (59)


Necessary Steps in PPC SEO Management

By: Mohammad Aftab

Promotion through PPC has become really popular because it is one of the accepted and quickest ways to support website online. By using PPC search engine management correctly, you can support your website with minimum expenditures and maximum gains. PPC search engine management involves you paying another host website to place an ad on the website and charge you for every visitor that clicks on your advertisement. So PPC play and key role to attract the targeted visitors to make a profit. There are few steps for right PPC search engine management.

The really key thing that you must need to think when doing PPC search engine management deals with the actual website that is going to host your advertisement. The excellent kind of the website will host your ad and will be closely related to market targets. Making sure the host website is relevant to yours with ensure that involved and motivated prospects has entered into your website.

The extremely key thing is to opt keywords in PPC search engine management. The keyword collection is really key because they define the kind of customers that you will funnel into your website. You cant attract the traffic and cant earn the revenue if your keywords are not relevant to the theme of your website. The text ad in the PPC campaign must be strong, but not long. The text must be minimum if you want to make it successful.

You must place the advertisement at the apex. You can apply the Google Analytics to know about the sales funnel and will help you to know the place where the clients are merely dropping off. You must place your ad between positions 3 to 5 if you are selecting PPC promotion off of the Google search engine. This manner, you won't waste your income rapidly by going after the number 1 position and you'll still be able to get a bunch of targeted receptive traffic. Furthermore you will be able to analyze where you are missing on the sales.

The extremely key step for PPC search engine management is the constant updating and keeping of the ad. It is highly recommend that you must continuously split test new ads in order to improve on the original one. Every ad you create must be really catchy, creating curiosity in the readers.

Author Resource:-> For more services ppc company and seo agency please visit at

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Seven Pitfalls of Business Failure

Patricia Schaefer, Attard Communications, Inc., advises aspiring entrepreneurs that the latest statistics from the Small Business Administration (SBA) show that "two-thirds of new employer establishments survive at lease two years, and 44 percent survive at least four years." This is a far cry from the previous long-held belief that 50 percent of businesses fail in the first year and 95 percent fail within five years.Better success rates notwithstanding, a significant percentage of new businesses do fail. Expert opinions abound about what a business owner should and shouldn't do to keep a new business afloat in the perilous waters of the entrepreneurial sea. There are, however, key factors that -- if not avoided -- will be certain to weigh down a business and possibly sink it forevermore.1. You start your business for the wrong reasonsWould the sole reason you would be starting your own business be that you would want to make a lot of money? Do you think that if you had your own business that you'd have more time with your family? Or maybe that you wouldn't have to answer to anyone else? If so, you'd better think again.On the other hand, if you start your business for these reasons, you'll have a better chance at entrepreneurial success:You have a passion and love for what you'll be doing, and strongly believe -- based on educated study and investigation -- that your product or service would fulfill a real need in the marketplace.You are physically fit and possess the needed mental stamina to withstand potential challenges. Often overlooked, less-than-robust health has been responsible for more than a few bankruptcies.You have drive, determination, patience and a positive attitude. When others throw in the towel, you are more determined than ever.Failures don't defeat you. You learn from your mistakes, and use these lessons to succeed the next time around. Head, SBA economist, noted that studies of successful business owners showed they attributed much of their success to "building on earlier failures;" on using failures as a "learning process."You thrive on independence, and are skilled at taking charge when a creative or intelligent solution is needed. This is especially important when under strict time constraints.You like -- if not love -- your fellow man, and show this in your honesty, integrity, and interactions with others. You get along with and can deal with all different types of individuals.2. Poor ManagementMany a report on business failures cites poor management as the number one reason for failure. New business owners frequently lack relevant business and management expertise in areas such as finance, purchasing, selling, production, and hiring and managing employees. Unless they recognize what they don't do well, and seek help, business owners may soon face disaster. They must also be educated and alert to fraud, and put into place measures to avoid it.Neglect of a business can also be its downfall. Care must be taken to regularly study, organize, plan and control all activities of its operations. This includes the continuing study of market research and customer data, an area which may be more prone to disregard once a business has been established.A successful manager is also a good leader who creates a work climate that encourages productivity. He or she has a skill at hiring competent people, training them and is able to delegate. A good leader is also skilled at strategic thinking, able to make a vision a reality, and able to confront change, make transitions, and envision new possibilities for the future.3. Insufficient CapitalA common fatal mistake for many failed businesses is having insufficient operating funds. Business owners underestimate how much money is needed and they are forced to close before they even have had a fair chance to succeed. They also may have an unrealistic expectation of incoming revenues from sales.It is imperative to ascertain how much money your business will require; not only the costs of starting, but the costs of staying in business. It is important to take into consideration that many businesses take a year or two to get going. This means you will need enough funds to cover all costs until sales can eventually pay for these costs.4. Location, Location, LocationYour college professor was right -- location is critical to the success of your business. Whereas a good location may enable a struggling business to ultimately survive and thrive, a bad location could spell disaster to even the best-managed enterprise.Some factors to consider:Where your customers areTraffic, accessibility, parking and lightingLocation of competitorsCondition and safety of buildingLocal incentive programs for business start-ups in specific targeted areasThe history, community flavor and receptiveness to a new business at a prospective site5. Lack of PlanningAnyone who has ever been in charge of a successful major event knows that were it not for their careful, methodical, strategic planning -- and hard work -- success would not have followed. The same could be said of most business successes.It is critical for all businesses to have a business plan. Many small businesses fail because of fundamental shortcomings in their business planning. It must be realistic and based on accurate, current information and educated projections for the future.Components may include:Description of the business, vision, goals, and keys to successWork force needsPotential problems and solutionsFinancial: capital equipment and supply list, balance sheet, income statement and cash flow analysis, sales and expense forecastAnalysis of competitionMarketing, advertising and promotional activitiesBudgeting and managing company growthIn addition, most bankers request a business plan if you are seeking to secure addition capital for your company.6. OverexpansionA leading cause of business failure, overexpansion often happens when business owners confuse success with how fast they can expand their business. A focus on slow and steady growth is optimum. Many a bankruptcy has been caused by rapidly expanding companies.At the same time, you do not want to repress growth. Once you have an established solid customer base and a good cash flow, let your success help you set the right measured pace. Some indications that an expansion may be warranted include the inability to fill customer needs in a timely basis, and employees having difficulty keeping up with production demands.If expansion is warranted after careful review, research and analysis, identify what and who you need to add in order for your business to grow. Then with the right systems and people in place, you can focus on the growth of your business, not on doing everything in it yourself.7. No WebsiteSimply put, if you have a business today, you need a website. Period. At the very least, every business should have a professional looking and well-designed website that enables users to easily find out about their business and how to avail themselves of their products and services. Later, additional ways to generate revenue on the website can be added; i.e., selling ad space, drop-shipping products, or recommending affiliate products.Remember, if you don't have a website, you'll most likely be losing business to those that do. And make sure that website makes your business look good, not bad -- you want to increase revenues, not decrease them.When it comes to the success of any new business, you -- the business owner -- are ultimately the "secret" to your success.For many successful business owners, failure was never an option. Armed with drive, determination, and a positive mindset, these individuals view any setback as only an opportunity to learn and grow. Most self-made millionaires possess average intelligence.What sets them apart is their openness to new knowledge and their willingness to learn whatever it takes to succeed.There you have the pitfalls - what will set you apart in 2010?
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Hidden Sugar Equals Visible Weight Gain

Sugar is a health food, that is how is it publicized anyway. After all, it contains zero fat, provides instant energy, and makes almost any food taste better. The average American eats about 156 pounds of sugar a year - at least double what health experts recommend. Eating sugar is like flipping a switch that tells your body to store fat. And sugar is everywhere — not just in soda, candy, and desserts. It’s disguised in refined carbohydrates like bread, rice, and pasta, and even in beer and milk. If you think you don’t eat a lot of sugar, it’s time to take another look at labels on processed foods. You’ll probably be surprised. Many of you would be shocked to find out just how much sugar you regularly eat.

Sugar makes you fat. In fact, the less sugar you eat, the better. Here’s an example; during digestion, one slice of white bread is converted into the same amount of glucose as 4 tablespoons of sugar. The more sugar you down at any one time the longer you stay in fat-storage mode. Read more about the hidden sugars in your diet

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Supportive people may not always be around to offer support at the exact moment when you may need it. Sometimes YOU may need to be the source of your own support. If that is the case, and frankly, it usually is the case, it helps to get out a journal and write down when you need support most of all.

To learn some suggestions for doing getting started, visit my Pound by Pound Weight Management community

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Today is the end of my 4th month of working my business online and I must say I have learnt a lot.

Meeting new people online has turned to be the most incredible thing for me. I decided to network online rather than offline because of 3 reasons.

a) I had a baby boy 5 months ago and no way no how was I WILLING to miss any single minute of him. (Just like I left Corporate America 5 yrs ago at 22 to work for myself and NEVER looked back and oh yeah..I intend to KEEP it that way). Working together with our son daily has created such great energy and drive for both myself and fiance who is also home and we are doing INCREDIBLE things online.

b) I wanted a change, no more parties for me, I had enough of the driving and out with the old in with the new.

c) Everyone is HOME and ONLINE now. Can you imagine that we have millions of people connecting online every minute? WE now have jobless people looking for online businesses...So WHY would I not take this opportunity to deliver to the people?

So far.. so new.. so good.

My first 4 months have been great. I was and still am in a learning mode, getting to know how the online world works and also the interaction process.

I have learnt that everyone HAS something they want to SELL. I also know WE ARE ALL SHOPPERS. ( Almost everyday we buy something may it be groceries, fast food, gas..we are buyers period!! whether we have to buy them, need to buy them or just buy them)

NOW HERE IS MY POINT--What I found out after those 4 months is:

a) CREATE AN ONLINE know where if someone mentions Jessica they say "Oh yeah I know her the Free Biz Networking Chat lady, the one that sells those Health and Wellness products that so and so used and got great results, felt better, no more pain, slept better, got off her meds" You know what I am saying? I have a list of about 10 women I can say I have built a relationship with (without the desire to sell to them or them to sell to me..purely and sincerely relationship building) and these women ARE definitely part of my shopping MALL since I have decided to support more buying from other retailers the things I can buy online from WAHM.

b) PUT OTHERS FIRST--BECOME A SERVANT-Help others without thinking of the money. Serve the community, be the first to run to help the online community. If someone is needing help with ideas and you have one, share it. I remember Luella Mills giving me a link to 10,000 Free Leads... now guys...this blew me right off the water ( I know some people who would just keep those to themselves in FEAR that if they gave them out those people would buy from the other person)..people share share share..I remember sharing the same leads that I took time to organize with others and GUESS what... and not saying it was the leads but hey one is a client and the other a team member...go out and support without thinking about YOURSELF FIRST.

c) TEAM WORK WORKS--YOU CANNOT DO IT ON YOUR OWN!--Now I am big in creating groups that gear towards the same cause. Lenisa Cooper is a perfect example. She should be applauded for her continuous efforts to REMIND PEOPLE that WE NEED TOGETHERNESS especially at this time. Many times she speaks and blogs about people getting together and getting to know each other AND that in the future leads to CREATING a big ONLINE MALL where you know FROM WHOM TO GET tupperware, candles, dish gardens, business cards, greeting cards, home decor and so forth but wait...if I never met you or even got to hear a presentation from you how will I find you? Day in day out WE MUST allow others to KNOW what we do ( Of course there is a better approach to that lol don't just invade them and bombard them with ALL YOUR SALES AND PROMOS). It is your responsibility.

d) IT TAKES TIME TO BUILD A NAME--Well one time hitting obviously has not worked for MOST of us. Mhhhhhh think about this with me. I meet 10 new people today, pitch my sale and if they don't buy they never hear from me again! What IF maybe at that time those same people, the people or person who needed you was offline on the phone and MISSED your presentation, what if that person DID NOT HAVE MONEY AT that time? Time is critical yes but we need time to build trust, we need time to get to know you so we can be comfortable enough to spend and invest in your product/service or business opportunity. I had to hear a few Send Out Cards presentations by Kim before I embarked on using them, first trying the FREE CARD and oh my WONDERS!!! I am now sold to the service. Invest the TIME to participate in the online world, blogs, comments, biz networking chats, groups and so forth. Be active don't just join to have so many on your belts.

e) LEARN THE SYSTEM--Plain and simple. The online world is easy. Just connect the dots. You can have your site displayed at many different locations in various ways. Some are FREE like backlinks that you can use in your signatures or blogs. You can also place banners in a high traffic site make sure that the pages have a ranking before paying for 10 visitors a day. I mean if you are paying then there better be some eyes right?

f) BE PATIENT---I know..I know sometimes it seems as if the one week campaign is not working and we run off to another campaign failing to realize that we need to assess each individual campaign and see which works and which doesn't and most of the time, TIME will help you determine if that campaign is a go or a drop. Don't get me wrong here sometimes you have had patience and it's still not working, and if this is the case where you have done something over and over again for a substantial amount of time which for me is 6 months (it depends on your perception of substantial amount of time) and it is not working, drop it, change it, fix it, or find a new thing.

Focusing on these 5 things for the last 4 months ONLINE have personally increased my sales and team growth by 50% I am now looking forward to an INCREDIBLE close of the year!

Well, it's 4.09 in the morning..enough of my recollection of what I learnt the last 4 months..

Wishing you success and growth in your business...

See You At The Top!

FREE BIZ Networking LIVE Tuesdays 6PM EST!
Are You Sick and Tired And Can’t Sleep!?
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Most of us have goals for our businesses, however few of us have goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART). I've developed a discussion, example, and worksheet for using SWOT Analysis with SMART Goals to help you focus on your business. It's a simple, quick 3 page document that will make you think about your business in new ways.Download it at on the home page and let me know what you think!PEACE,Shay OlivarriaSpeaker/Group
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25 Ways to Simplify Your Business

Executives are always looking for ways to cut costs and find ways to increase working hours. Entrepreneur magazine writer, Chris Penttila, wrote a great article on fine tuning your business with ideas for simplifying and streamlining your operations.The article offer ways to simplify your technology, money, management, marketing, and even your personal time. As a business owner, periodically you must reevaluate how you are operating your business.Check out the article and see how many of the 25 ideas you can implement today.
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Free Seminar about Diabetes Prevention

Last night's show with Agnes Loughlin was great! She spoke about many different elements associated with Diabetes that you may not have thought about. She also gave her 10 Steps to Diabetes Prevention, which can actually apply to all of us that are trying to live a healthy lifestyle.Can you answer these questions?-Which is better for you, juice, Diet soda or regular soda?-What is the number one choice for liquids that our diets just can do without?-Which is better soybean oil, peanut oil, coconut oil or butter?-What is "dead bread"?-Which supplement is the best foryour daily dietary needs?If you are looking for the answers to these questions and many more, you should definitely register for the seminar series at Last night was the first of 8 in the series and even if you didn't attend the live call, once you register, you will have access to all the recorded calls.So what are you waiting for? Register now, join the Diabetes: Prevention, Control and Next Steps for Living Group on FaceBook.
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It’s true! Diabetes doesn’t have to be the “death sentence” that it’s being labeled as. Yes, Diabetes is a dreadful disease and can cause impotence, blindness, kidney failure, amputation and heart attack death. However, by learning to control the disease, a patient can maintain a normal blood sugar level and avoid or even reverse some or all of the associated complications.Carol Dunlop, owner of Optimum Body Sculpting, has created “Diabetes: Prevention, Control and Next Steps for Living, a Live Teleseminar/Webinar series that exposes the myths surrounding Diabetes and challenges the mainstream perceptions of “death by diagnosis.”In this series, she has assembled top wellness and medical experts from around the country who will explain the secrets that everyone suffering from associated with or caring for Diabetics need to know. “Knowledge is power. Today, with so much cutting-edge science and the great variety of treatments for Diabetes, no patient should be left in the dark about how to control, live with and thrive while being a Diabetic,” says Ms. Dunlop.The Live Teleseminar/Webinar will broadcast each Monday evening at 8:00pm EST starting June 15, 2009 and concluding on August 10, 2009. The seminar is free, but registration is required. To register, log onto should register? Diabetics, Pre-Diabetics, friends and family of Diabetics, people who have a history of Diabetes in their family and those who just want to learn more about the disease should definitely register to attend.Expert guests include: Rivkah Roth DO DNM, Founder of the Natural Medicine Centre; Endocrinologist Gerald Bernstein, MD, FACP, former president of the American Diabetes Association and the current medical affairs director at Generex Biotechnology Corporation; Elizabeth R. Lombardo, Ph.D., M.S., P.TPsychologist & Physical Therapist who has appeared on numerous nationally recognized media outlets including CNN, The Montel Williams Show, Self magazine, and Diabetes Care; and Jayson Hunter RD CSCS, who is the author of the Carb Rotation Diet as well as the Director of Research and Development for Prograde Nutrition.The series will also showcase patients who are living with Diabetes today and allow them to explain how they deal with the disease as part of their daily lifestyle.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About Carol DunlopCarol Dunlop is a dynamic fitness professional whose talent and innovative style has inspired many individuals to lead a healthy, fit lifestyle. She started her body sculpting business to help women create the body they yearned for by developing individualized training programs and encouraging good nutrition habits. Carol uses her passion for fitness to motivate her clients to accomplish their fitness goals and maintain a positive self image. Carol is certified through FiTour as a Personal Trainer and through the American Red Cross as a CPR, AED and First Aid Instructor. She has competed and placed in several Fitness America and National Bodybuilding competitions.For more information, contact Optimum Body Sculpting owner, Carol Dunlop at 678.498.4001 Ext. 1 or via the web at
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Have you Mastered the Balancing Act?

Balance is a precious thing. Some days I have it and others …not so much. I don’t think my life is particularly busier than most; I just try to cram 40 hours of activity in a 24 hour day! I’m learning to cut things down to manageable size tasks and even to not work every day; yet I still feel a twinge of guilt when I’m sitting at my computer and my sons want me to stop and play basketball or color. I have a great husband who doesn’t mind pitching in and doing when I’m “in the zone”. There’s always a nagging that I should be able to do more. Looking for tips from some other busy women…how do you keep everything in balance?
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One of the biggest frustrations in internet marketing is that you have to sell thousands of $10-$20 ebooks each year in order to make a full-time living online. The logistics can be pretty daunting.There are a few ways to get over this hurdle.1. Reach more people. (Get more customers.)2. Write more ebooks. (Offer more low end products.)3. Offer a higher-end product or service that your existing customers can pay more for. (Charge more for... something.)Many people flinch at the third option. The thought of putting together a huge course or a big DVD package that they can sell for $100 or more sounds like a ton of work.However, in Jimmy D. Brown's usual way, he's found a way to help marketers earn more with their EXISTING business. That's the part that I love about this. It doesn't even entail setting up a new website. You can just add this to your current business and multiply your income immediately.what is it?Coaching. Personal one-on-one e-coaching.Jimmy's been doing this for years. And, every time he offers coaching, it sells out.Unfortunately, he found that offering email coaching can have a few problems. The main one is, of couse, email deliverability. It's obviously a problem if you offer e-coaching and then don't receive emails from your customer.So, Jimmy hired a software engineer and had him design a simple online interface so that he could communicate privately with his coaching clients inside this software. He's been making improvements to that same script, and now he's making it available for purchase.The first thing you'll want to do is check out the software the site, you'll see all of the features and even be able to even read the user manual before buying.If you've been thinking of adding a high-ticket item to your sales process or offering e-coaching, it just got easy.Best wishes,Frantonia PollinsWealth & Success Coach
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Multitasking is Dead

Do you know why you can’t get more done?No? Then kill multitasking – totally eliminate multitasking from your business life.Have you ever had this happen to you? You're working on a project that requires your full attention and creativity, such as writing your newsletter or designing an information product, and suddenly a family member or employee interrupts you while you were concentrating - deeply. Even if you tell them you are busy and go back to work, it takes you quite a while before you can re-align your mind into what you were doing before.Focus and discipline is what helps you complete a project. If you are a home-based business owner, “projects” usually have profit tied to them and so you must be able to focus and be disciplined enough to say “no” to something else clamoring for your attention at the same time. Here are some things I have started to doing to keep me focused on what I’m doing while I do one thing at a time:1. Clear your desk of anything unrelated to your current project. Believe it or not, those slips of paper, notes and things you “intend to get to” are commanding your attention and draining your energy – energy you need to focus on the task at hand.2. Plan your day out so that you can focus in on one task at a time. Set times to complete urgent tasks, reading and responding to emails (I suggest twice a day for checking email), marketing and listening to teleseminar recordings. Then keep to your schedule. Unless a real emergency presents itself, don’t veer off of your schedule. Complete one project or task and then move on.3. Complete those tasks that have the highest rate of return for your business. High rate of return items are the things that will accelerate your success and increase your bank account.4. Take short breaks away from your desk and office. Go walk the dog, play music, cook or read something purely recreational. Doing something completely unrelated to your business or technology will refresh and reinvigorate you.5. Create your schedule for tomorrow. Schedule your high rate of return items first and then whittle down the remainder of your to do list. If a project or task took longer than you intended and you were not able to mark it off today’s to do list, move these items to tomorrow’s to do list but after the high rate of return projects or tasks.I believe if you stop multitasking and really focus on the project or task at hand you will find that you accomplish more, reduce your stress and increase your profits.Read this article in it's entirety.Carmin Wharton is a home-based business expert and the founder of, a membership community designed to take businesses owned by women of color from start up to prosperity. Carmin's mission is to help women earn what they're worth and make it big in their home-based business on their own terms.
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My Professional Sisters, we must be fully educated on the dynamics of our finances (personal and business) in order to maximize our efforts of realizing our goals and dreams and most of all reducing our financial stress. I will be sharing with you in several series, education surrounding debt management. Please avail yourself to become truly knowledgeable about this nationwide challenge that we face today. You don’t have to be an expert; however, you need to understand how you can make your money perform better for you. Debt management is the core our careers, relationships, families and communities in which we live. Join me as I bring to you the wisdom of truly understanding how we manage our debt effectively and build wealth on our terms. The first part of our series speaks to student loan debt; if this is you today or you have children in college, be alert to the key points outlined in this segment. Enjoy the wisdom!Our topic for the series is "Good" Debt vs. "Bad" Debt!Feature Points Covered:-Student buy non-essentials more often than other groups-There are different types of debt-Being responsible with debt will result in long-term benefitsA friend in the banking/investment industry summed it all up: good debt is an oxymoron; there's no such thing as good debt.However, while debt may be something we all wish could be avoided, there are some forms of borrowing that do have advantages, and even those that are considered bad debt can be useful if used properly.Part 1Background on Student DebtFirst and foremost, student loans should be utilized for education and required living expenses only. Trends in college student spending indicate a rise in non-essential, in conjunction with Rand Youth Poll and, issued a 20-year study showing trends in student spending. Basically, the results showed that students are more technologically savvy than 20 years ago.Spending has increased in the area of entertainment with large plasma TVs, cellular phones and iPhones with all the bells and whistles, and iPods with subscriptions to download music and DVDs.Other increases are clothing costs for designer clothing and the emergence of gourmet coffees and other specialized foods.As a result, students (not just the 18- to 21-year-olds, either) are easily drawn into borrowing extra student loans to purchase extravagant tangible and intangible goods.The key to good borrowing through student loans is to set up a budget and resist spending on unnecessary items. There's time for purchasing nicer items after graduating.Article by Terri Hare – elearners.comThanks and until our next series on “Good Debt” – stay wise!Tangela M. Davis, MBADistrict ManagerUnited First FinancialT. 704-299-1195E. tdavis@trinitystrategicconsulting.comW.“Be Mortgage and Debt Free in Half the Time or Less – Own It Free and Clear!”
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HAVE A PLAN BWe are into another fast moving week! The news headlines are somewhat gloomy with all the economic pressures that people are dealing with. Today, I spoke with a 57 year old, wonderful woman. She was in tears describing to me her job of the past 20 years, from which she was just let go. I felt awful for her, not so much because she was laid off, but because she has no Plan B in place. Her Plan A (job) is now in shambles, and without a Plan B working for her, she is on shaky grounds. Her financial house is swaying with the times. Not a great place to be for sure. In fact a very uncertain place. So the message today is, don't wait until your Plan A is in jeopardy to get your Plan B going. Job security is fading into the past. Relying on anyone besides yourself is a bad play. The sooner you recognize that, the quicker you can get a Plan B set up and firing to stabilize and secure your financial house. Don't get caught with your pants down!If you have a Plan B (your business) already set up, then you've got to kick into high gear and accelerate your growth. Your business needs to be organized so that it brings in short term income and you build towards the long term residuals, without quitting along the way. Let's do it!TIME WAITS FOR NO MAN or WOMANThere is one commodity which is so slippery that many times it escapes and we are not quite sure where it may have disappeared to. Once gone this commodity is irretrievable. What is that commodity? It's TIME!One clear reason that many home based business owners have a tough time getting off the ground is time management. It is poorly addressed.A large portion of home based business owners are working part time or in some cases full time. So yes, time is limited in any given day. Add family, overtime, errands and a number of miscellaneous issues, and yes, it does narrow the time down. However, despite this limited time frame to work your business, it is possible to run a super successful business.But the fact is, your business will work when it is treated like a business. And for your business to work for you and return a profit - you have to work it! Below is a simple chart to use to allocate time. Time is divided into 8 groups. For example 'Household Tasks' may include, sweeping, washing dishes, laundry etc. So put your activities into one of the 8 groups. For everyone, your situation is unique. So work with that. Now, for 1 week, you need to track yourself diligently and fairly. No cheating. You would be amazed to see where the hours are disappearing."Time is what we want most, but... what we use worst" ~William Penn24 HOUR CHALLENGE

(1) Make a chart like this. Keep it simple. Don't complicate things. This is a daily tracking device. So you would need to duplicate this 7 times for the 7 days of the week to track accurately.(2) Be aware of time. Be conscious how you are spending your time, so you can record effectively. The numbers in the 'Hours' column are a sample. As you track your time, you will insert the correct numbers for the day there and eventually totaling up for the week.(3) Track yourself for this week, today all the way to Sunday, and account for your time. No cheating!(4) Assess where your time is going by the end of the week.(5) Are you happy with the way your week went? Did you get the results you were planning to achieve this week? If not, you must change some things around. For your business to turn a profit, time has to be allocated to engage in the revenue producing activities which would allow you to earn a profit.(6) So let's get pro active about our future and make today count.

www.NadiraHaniff.comwww.180DaysToProfit.comFollow me on Twitter
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Stress, women and chronic disease

Did you know that stress can be attributed to 90% of all chronic diseases?This thing is serious!Many times as women we are in denial and feel that we havea grip on stress and are managing well, however, without becomingaware of stressors in your life you are basically yielding yourself totremendous damage to your health and well being.I use assessments to help individuals discover their subsceptibilityto stress. A few of the questions that I ask would include the following.Do you experience unidentified pain in your shoulders, neck or back?Have you experienced loss in the last year (i.e. loss of a loved one, job etc.)?Do you find it easy to take time for yourself at least once or twice per week?This is your life and you have a choice to make to either take aproactive approach to your personal development, health and wellnessplan or become a victim and shorten the time you have here on earth tobenefit from the fruits of your labor.I invite you to get my free new report "Stress reduction and thepowers of a positive attitude." You can find it at: stressed-less and prosper!RobinEmpowering Mentor/Trainer/Coach
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Spirit Soulfire is and emerging organic indie soul artist whose main inspiration is Minnie Ripperton. She takes it as a compliment that she is sometimes compared to Erykah Badu and Jill Scott knowing that she has her own distinctive songwriting ability and talents.Spirit Soulfire has performed at the World Famous Apollo, The Black Lilly, Hibachi, Groove Lounge, Five Spot (Philly) and Café Wha in NYC’s Greenwich Village to name a few.Keep an eye and ear out for this emerging talent! soul spoken word urban r&bSpirit Soulfire on Soundclick
Now playing: Spirit Soulfire
For more information go to: Imani Management201-964-6275cipherkam@gmail.comsoulgriots@yahoo.comRevolutionaryARt Innertainment Logo
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I am currently scheduling "Power of 10" workshop for corporate, ministry teams and women's groups. Each workshop is scheduled with a maximum of 10. Schedule your workshop today email include name, telephone number, email address, date and location.Photobucket
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Learning your Business and Industry – Guarantee SuccessBy Rickey Johnson – Owner Juniques Marketing*****Business option -(Get your Free Pre Enrollment Cellular Business Website, Earn money from Cell Phone Billing-*******Another benefit of starting a home based business is the knowledge you gain from building the business.A lot of emphasis is placed on making money from starting an online business.Well, for some, that is a result of building the business, for others, not so.Statistics show that for most, making money, especially a livable income, does not happen.Actually, most spend more money on their business endeavor then they earn from it.Here is what can happen for those who focus on learning how to build their business and learning about the industry they promote.You will gain valuable skills in the area of human resources, administrative processing, marketing and promotions, sales, group development, management and so much more.You can be very knowledgeable about your industry. Cosmetics, Electronics, Telecommunication, Nutrition, and the list continue.You may not become “money rich” with your on line business venture. A lot of factors affecting that outcome are out of your control. However, what is in your control is your learning attitude. You can become knowledgeable in business and industry principles and applications. That knowledge can be converted for use in the offline world (the one, which most people spend the majority of time in). You can enhance (and for some create) your professional and personal standing. Experience is Experience.Until our next communiqué. Have an Exceptionally Rewarding Networking Day.*****Business option -(Get your Free Pre Enrollment Cellular Business Website, Earn money from Cell Phone Billing-*******Networkingly yoursRickey
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Super moms, let's get organized

As a mom with small kids and a business to run from home…things often get hectic. You’ve seen me in the parking lot with two kids under the arms, and another hugging one leg, while I load the van, talking to someone on my Bluetooth, with the coffee running intravenously through my veins. And everyone seems to think it’s the super powers that keep me going. Oh no, it’s the coffee. But seriously, there is no secret about what has to happen to keep me from tearing my hair out. The only way to get things done is to be organized. Here are some tips that keep me sane:1. Before my work week begins, I write down the goals I want to accomplish. I usually have 2 categories, one for my business and the second for my household.2. I make my goals realistic ones, for example, this week I will make 6-10 prospect/marketing calls.a. Your goal shouldn’t be make 20 calls, because the chances are with your hectic schedule you may not be able to achieve this goal;b. Then you will feel like you didn’t accomplish your task.c. However, once you’ve accomplished your goals, see if you can add-on to those goals.3. For all my appointments and calendaring of things to do, I make sure to use my computer to prompt me to check my “to-do” list each day. I put a reminder on my computer to “alert” me to check my events, or tasks on my calendar.4. Each week I try to focus on a different aspect of my business, e.g., marketing this week, newsletter next week; website week after next, and so on, and so on. And all these tasks are put on my calendar on my computer.5. I do my sales/marketing tasks in the morning when the kids are asleep or occupied with playing. I do these in the morning because I know by the late afternoon I’ll be too drained to make effective phone calls. It’s easier to answer emails throughout the day because I’m using my fingers; however, a fresh, sunny voice is best for me first thing in the morning. Again all these tasks are entered into my calendar on my computer.6. When I run errands, I always have my business cards with me within easy reach. Easy reach is very important, because you never want a prospect to see you fumbling around for your business cards. Their very first impression of you should not be that you’re not organized.7. And just an important aside here: Following-up with your prospects is very important. If you say you’ll call/or email in XX amount of hours, or YY days, make sure you keep your promise. Not keeping your end of the bargain is a sure way to loose a prospective client.8. At the end of the week, I analyze my goals and achievements and try to figure out what my next goals are, and then the cycle continues for the next week.So we super moms who stay at home with our kids, and run a business from our home, and who sit on the PTA organizations and who volunteer, etc, etc. don’t get overwhelmed. If you write your tasks down and attack them a little bit at a time, our tasks will not seem so overwhelming. And believe me, we are all overwhelmed with our duties as a mom, and CEO of our homes and business.Please feel free to add some tips that have helped to keep you organized. We can all use ideas of ways to make our days as super moms run more smoothly and more effectively. So let’s share, share, share.
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