Well how's it going? I started out playing with my Blog, now I'm serious. I started out posting pictures and events my daughter and I were going to here  in Scottsdale, Arizona. Spa Valley as I jokingly refer to it. I wasn't even posting about my jewelry nor was I consistent. Did not have a plan in place. Now I'm the SEO Queen. Google loves me, I generally keep five pieces of jewelry on the first1 or 2 pages in their category. I'm all over Google. Type my name in or wirequeen and see what I mean.


Now that I started consistently post I getting more repeat views. I've had over 400 people come to my blog since I added the flag counter about 2 months ago.  I'm challenging myself to post everyday in November. I announced on he challenge on and I what day and subjects I would be posting after the challenge. I 'm an early riser between 3-5am, but I have people at my before me. I had to learn how to schedule my postings. Scheduling posts was the easy part, that's why i had to set up a schedule of what I was going to post on Specified days. Hard for me because I was doing a breaking news kind of format. Now I am using the tools and trying to stay on track about my subject matter. I will have to start a wordpress blog for my information,grant,job and other communtiy awareness news.


So where are you with your Blog? Is it getting your brand before thepublic? or are you just having fun.?


Inquiring minds what to know. SMILE

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  • I am a newbie to blogging. My goal is to use my blog as another way to reach my customer base, which is the DO-IT YOURSELF party planner. I really appreciate the tips and insight, this is helpful as I get serious about blogging. I love the idea to set a time for posts...I will be implementing that!

    visit me at : pulseoftheparty.blogspot.com.....let me know what you think.

  • I love to blog. Blogging, is not my main source of income, but, I use it as a platform to attract others to my online communities, to read my ebooks, to join my webinars or simply to inspire. I beleive that my blogs are a great way to market my writing skills and my goal is to enter into more paid writing markets. It's amazing how blogging attracts people to you because they love your content and this keeps me blogging. This is my inspirational foot print on the world!





    • Hi Shiketa,


      Nice blog! I want to blog but have not been effect yet, but I will not give up and I will try and try again.



  • Congrats on the Google Love Michelle. We just launched our new website and I've been posting blogs relating to accounting. I like it. It gives me a chance to send links of relevant information to clients and potential clients.

    Here is my blog -> http://www.wealthbuildingcpa.com/wbcpa-blog/blog

    Also try a free e-book. We just released one and it is spreading
    Top 20 Tax Planning Tips for the Unemployed (link to the pdf is in the blog)

    Good Luck and Continued Success,

    • Hi Ebere as soon as I get my poor computer back I'm going to down load the tips so I can stay ready for my CPA ( I don't touch my taxes). I follow my marching orders that he has set up to keep my paperwork in order and them its smoothing sailing from there.
  • I love this topic Michelle!

    I started my blog December of last year and began with the intent of being serious...and it is paying off! I've built my entire business (TheCEOMamma) around my blog and have acquired loyal readers, steady growth of my mailing list, business partners, affiliate sales and credibility!

    You are so right on, you MUST be consistent not only in your posting but with your content as well. Stay focused on what you know and giving your readers the content they want.

    Blogging is a huge part of my business and the best tool I use to market myself and my services. You can visit it here: www.theceomamma.com

    Keep blogging!!!
    • Love the CEO Mamma - nice name and good blog.
  • Hi Michelle,

    So glad you brought this question up because there are many out there wondering the same question and just don't know what to do or who to turn to for answers. I am a freelance writer and my niche isn't that unique, but its what I enjoy --- everything business and making money.

    I agree, consistency is key. When I was just dabbling, the money I made also dabbled in. However, when I become more serious about writing, at least once a week or more, I began to see my profits increase as well.

    The other key is marketing. As with any business (online or offline) you have to market your product and what you do. Also in my experience, when I look at some of the other blog sites, that have a large following, they didn't get there by themselves. Networking with others is also an important tool to growing your audience.

    I reserved the core of my site to publishing my articles, I tried adding a few guest articles, but I felt it took away from my voice and the purpose of my site. So since then, I have decided to implement a community area, which I feel I can use to promote and interact with guest posts.

    If anyone else have any ideas on the best ways to market your brand without loosing the feel and content of your own business style, please feel free to share with the rest of us. I love learning new things.

    Michelle, I tried to find a link to your website, but could not locate it. At your convenience, please post a link to your site.


    Crystal Watts
  • My goal is to become a more consistent blogger. That's my main goal. I get traffic when I blog so I need to keep the momentum going.

    Like you mentioned, taking time to pre-schedule the posts is key to getting it done. Between work and school, it is actually the only way I can do it.

    I also set goals for my blog such as how many visitors I want, and then I see which posts are generating the most traffic and whether that converted into sales. That lets me know what type of content I should continue to offer or re-post.

    I recently hosted a designer as part of her blog tour for her new book and gave away a copy of the book in a contest. That got me a lot of traffic and new subscribers to my list.
  • I was bloggin like crazy but then i was not generating traffic so i slowed down. SO I am wanting to reoganize my blog and try some techniqies to get traffic to read my content. It would be easier to pay someone to do it cause I work full time and i am a single mom but I think for now i will have to make due and try and figure out blogger templates etc until i can get someone to do a blog for me.
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