In a recent BBWO Discussion, a few of us were talking about the dangers of network marketing ventures and the many sad stories of women who have invested their last savings into a dream of success that was never achieved. (discussion here)

I have heard a few network marketing, MLM horror stories in my day but I've heard a few success stories as well, which is why I wanted to open up this discussion to all our sister network marketers and MLM women. Have you had a high or low point in your business that you want to share? Have you a few things that you want others to know or mistakes you think they should avoid?

Post your two cents by leaving a comment below.

Two Lessons I Learned about Network Marketing
How to Really Make Money Online

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  • Hi,

    This is a great post. I myself love Network Marketing but it wasn't always so as I had to learn from multiple mistakes.

    In my honest and humble opinion Network Marketing is a professional business venture that may result in a great part time or full time income. Of course it has its pros and cons like any other business and I certainly made lots of mistakes in the beginning which I will share with you. Network Marketing is not to be taken lightly or to be disregarded. Most individuals that start out in a network marketing business fail to do their homework including myself. I would surmise that they looked at a Network Marketing business and decided that the price of admission is low and so they equate that with EASY!! I did, and found out that this is further from the truth. Furthermore, because the price of admission to be a consultant or rep is no where near the price of opening up a laundrymat, shoe, or a brick and mortar store they don't take their business seriously. Hello!! I did that!! Guilty!!! So that made quitting easy as I decided I could absorb $200.00; whereas there's no way on earth I would walk away from a storefront business because I had too much invested. Do I hear a mmmmm.......? Also, they don't devote the time and follow the process of building their business, I admit it, that was me.

    So, my reality in Network Marketing came when I decided that the bucks stop with me. I took an inventory on me. I needed to do what it takes to work this business in order for it to work for me. I mean, I did it for my boss. I gave my employer 40 hours a week, did not come late, and even stayed for some overtime. Now, why couldn't I prospect or work on my business for 2 Hrs a day for ME!!!! That was my wake up call and we each have them. I did my homework, researched a company that I was passionate about, and started reading up on the business side of Network Marketing because continuous learning is key in any business. Most importantly helping others succeed is the mother of all success!! I did not wait for my upline, I made a decision to take action and once I did that I fell in love.

    So ladies, there a alot of Network Marketing companies out there. One of the mistakes I made was to join a company that I kinda liked. That should not be the case. You want to be in a business that reflects who you are, your mission and goals. Since I was in academia, I fell in love with a personal development company. This was the right fit for me. That made all the difference in the world as I would do the business because I love mentoring and coaching others towards success. If there is a company that you are passionate about in Network Marketing do your research and find out all you can about it. Don't leave it to your recruiter to find out for you, do it yourself. Finally, remember that you are in this business for the longhaul. It may take 3-4 years before you can actually see some real income coming in. Its not a get rich quick business and it all depends on YOUR OWN EFFORTS!! NO EFORTS NO COMMISSION!! GREAT EFFORTS GREAT COMMISSIONS!!!

    PS. A great book that will help you on your Network Marketing Business is " Dare to Dream and Work to win" By Dr. Tom Barrett. Hope this helps.

    Here's To Your Success!!

    Marlene McCray
    Compass Representative

    *** Compass..... Helping Women Inside and Out***
    • Your comment is very helpful Marlene. Something to consider since we always here two sides of MLM one: pyramid scheme two: the best thing since sliced bread. Your comment falls somewhere in the middle and that is probably the key.
      • Hi Angie,

        Thanks and your right there is always two sides to a story. That is why its so important to do your homework about a particular company, ask questions. I myself in the beginning heard of all the pyramid schemes; they are illegal of course.

        Angie, if there is one company you are considering joining, I would suggest you check with the Attorney General in your state to confirm its business model. The federal government will not allow pyramids to operate. Additionally check out DSWA ( Direct Selling Womens Alliance) a reputable organization in regards to Network Marketing. Truly, being informed is key. If I could help in any way let me know.

        Good Luck and God Bless!!

  • I am very passionate about Multi-Level and Network Marketing. I wrote a detailed article about it at "Sagging Economy Produces More Multi-Level Marketing or Pyramid Schemes"

    My other empowerment articles are located at

    Cathy Harris, Empowerment & Motivational Speaker
    Atlanta, GA
  • Great question LaShanda. I wonder the same thing myself, have been interested in this but don't feel like I am being told the truth by the "recruiter" who just may be trying to get the sale. Where are the success stories?
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