3 Ask LaShanda Questions Answered

Over on my BBWO Social Network, I received a few questions. Feel free to leave your question in the comment box below. Kaisha asked: Do you have info for network marketers? I have tons of ideas but I am not sure if they are feasible as a network marketing to grow a team. My Repsponse: Kaisha, yes I do have information for network marketers. It is in the form of my guide: How to Really Make Money Selling MLM and Network Marketing Products Online. You can find here. Tieast asked: I'm really excited about the 7 day Challenge and have been listening and taking notes on the audios. I want to start my own social network and take advantage of the use of adsense, affiliates and selling of ad space, among other traffic and money generating opportunities. I have been going back and forth over your ebooks and am not sure which would be the best to get to help me maximize my use of a social networking site. I see you have the "Turn my Niche into a Network",(2 book set) and "How to make Money with Your Social Network" (3 book set.). Am I missing something? The packages almost sound the same. Help! My Response: Tieast, glad you like the challenge thus far. As for the ebooks, those are two separate packages. "Turn my Niche into a Network" is about turning your personal passion into a network of websites (including regular sites, blogs, etc.). ""How to make Money with Your Social Network" is actually one of 3 ebooks in my set "Create Your Own Ningalicous Network", (click the title to go to website). I am a web designer, so I also offer custom network design packages and all that is detailed in my pdf catalog. Diane asked: I run a security consulting business and I don't have to explain the responsiblites of running a business, growing a business and just maintaining the business. With all the wonderful tools you are providing us about growing the business, how can one do it all? Is there anyone out there that will do all the wonderful things you tell us about (for a fee of course) and let the business owner - just be the business owner? My response: The person you are referring to would be an assistant, or for many a virtual assistant. We have quite a few of them on BBWO you can find them via forum discussions about VAs or even by searching the member directory or groups area. Every person's business starts off differently, so of course you have work with what you got. When I started, I honestly had no money for a VA BUT I had time, which is how I ended up learning all these different marketing strategies that I now teach. I tell folks, when you can't spend money, spend time. Now, if you have a thriving business with funds to invest into making it better by all means tap into a good coach and/or find a VA that is just right for your budget. Today, VAs are expanding their services to even do social media marketing so that you don't have to. The key is to find the right person and stay on top of them so you can see that you are getting results. These were 3 questions that I I received over at Black Business Women Online. Feel free to leave your question in the comment box below. Related posts:

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