3 Network Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

As the creator of Black Business Women Online, I'm like a network marketers dream! With almost 10,000 members (many of which are into network marketing) my inbox is always overflowing with messages about Avon products, Body Magic, Life Compass and everything in between. Having spent years perfecting my own marketing techniques and watching the strategies of others, I'd like to share 3 Network Marketing Mistakes that you should absolutely, positively, avoid!
  1. When trying to promote my first website (msoyonline.com), my newbie instinct was to send out emails to my friends and family. When I realized that sounded better than it worked, I found myself in a state of desperation sending out emails that said, "Please visit msoy. If you can support the site in anyway it would be greatly appreciated ... blah blah blah." I pulling at heart strings would get me some traffic, but a friend quickly gave me a reality check and said ... "Man, you sound desperate." That was almost 10 years ago. After that point and to this day I vowed never to sound like THAT GIRL again. Most network marketers that I come across try to pitch you great stuff all the while sounding VERY desperate. Don't beg, don't ask for support, don't ask people to help you reach a financial goal. How you sell yourself will allows affect people's desire to buy and desperation is often a big turn off for buyers.
  2. When I started actually making money online, I got really caught up in the chase for the next sale, always hoping to see that magic surge of sales we all hope for. In the process I learned that magic isn't real and chasing sales get's you real tired real fast. When I slowed down and started cultivating relationships with my old customers, my business really took off. Don't make the mistake of neglecting your existing customers. Ask yourself these two questions. How often do you stay in contact with your old customers? How do you market to your old customers online?
  3. A lot of network marketers jump right into marketing before they ever truly understand how this stuff works. You already know it's easy to get into your line of business, but as time always tells, this stuff is hard! Don't make the mistake of thinking it's easy for other people and not for you. Don't think of yourself as a network marketer. You are a business owner and as such you have to invest in your business. Research the latest network marketing techniques, don't make the mistake of doing what all the other marketers appear to be doing because most of THEM are broke.
In a nutshell network marketers, don't try to beg for business ... don't neglect your old sales for new sales ... don't expect to make real profits if you don't have a solid plan. eBook by LaShanda HenryHow to Make Money Networking Marketing and Selling MLM Products Online eBook Details: Make More MLM Money. Discover the two things Broke Network Marketers are NOT doing and learn how to use THESE 2 Simple strategies to increase your profits online. Price: $29 url: http://www.e-junkie.com/lhenry About the Author: LaShanda Henry is a successful work at home mom and web coach. She is the author of: "How to Really Make Money Online Network Marketing and Selling MLM Products". Here is a special $10 Off discount code for taking the time to read this article. The Code: EB10OFF. This offer expires on 12/29/2009 or after being used by 250 people (which ever one comes first).

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  • Here is a special $10 Off discount code for taking the time to read this article. The Code: EB10OFF. This offer expires on 12/29/2009 or after being used by 250 people (which ever one comes first).
  • LaShandra, You are so accurate. Too many people 'leap before they look". Their " why am i doing this " is to make money.
    That will not sustain you in building a reputable and profitable business. Making money is a result, not an action.
    Establishing good business principles as "rule of thumb" will help build a business ( action) and earn you a good income
    ( result). Building legitimate business relationship requires interaction, not always connected to a financial return, but to bettering the relationship ( which for some strange reason helps develop financial rewards ) . Ok. Keep doing what you do!!!
    I remember discovering your website (msoyonline.com) years ago, and I was impressed. I thought then and now what a great site!!!! Your first "seed" really has yield a great "harvest".
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