08/26/08 "MORNING NEWS” Good Morning! Let us REJOICE in the Lord this morning. I hope you all have stayed in prayer. As the more HE hears your voice HE'll be right at your side. Today's scripture is Hebrews 5:6-8. God Bless You All, Clevette SOUL FOOD A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. Proverbs 14:30 The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; Romans 8:6 YOUR DESTINY There are times that your heart may be heavy. It can be filled with many things. At times there is a rain forest that you couldn't see. Waters flowing so deeply that it's not determined if for the anger, happiness, joy or sorrow. However we do know if we sow tears we will reap with songs of joy. Psalms 126:5 Being weighed down by so many things can slow you down. Weighing down can actually stop you right in your tracks. Every barricade doesn't have to lead to a dead end street. You can continue and keep on moving. MOVING! MOVING on up! So wipe your tears away and ask your Father for peace. A "peace" of mind, a "peace" of stability, a "peace" of heart. Right now we're in the spirit so it is this peace not piece. ASK THE LORD FOR YOUR PEACE TODAY....AMEN RE: KINGDOM VISION Thank you so much for your response to the Kingdom Vision inquiry. Whether you could give at this time or not I appreciate you contacting me. I wouldn't it let be a bother as if you recall the Lord didn't build the earth in just one day. With each part of the (VISION) there will be "light". I told you about HIS vision and needing assistance. Now there is "LIGHT". The Lord has a plans for each of us and is using me to begin something new for our youth. For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 HE works through us all and each of us have different gifts. I don't see the dreams that you see. You may not see mine. However we're all inspired by the same God. You've told me your situations and where you stand, many will have circumstances too. Others will have dollars to give but in between there will be "LIGHT". We all will be blessed. As I know the Lord will provide. May the Lord bless any endeavors in your life. Again, I thank you for your time and consideration towards this ministry. With this Ministry I plan to build a strong foundation, by implementing God's PLAN. I'm already doing HIS will with my own labor of love. We can "sow those same seeds" and watch our youth grow. HE said, hear my call and allow me to touch the lives intended. No matter what your worries . No matter what your troubles. The Lord will send anointed blessings that will lift us up on high and we will see the same joy come morning. Peace Be With You, Clevette Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may become sons of light." When he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them. John 12:36 I'm too BLESSED to be STRESSED. It is my desire to give comfort, peace, and joy while riding "Through The Storm".

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