What to do for Rheumatoid Arthritis


with JointHeirs Support healthy joints. - Alleviates discomfort caused by impaired joint movement. - Maintains freedom of movement. - Promotes circulation. - Overall support of the musculoskeletal system. - Help cope with sprains and strains from physical activity. - Helps lower the blood sugar, blood pressure. - Helps reduce swellings. - Relief pains due to inflammation. - It also has anti fungi effect.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a systemic disease that affects many joints in the body, and is one of the most common forms of arthritis? It is characterized by the inflammation of the membrane lining the joint, which causes pain, stiffness, warmth, redness and swelling. The inflamed joint lining, the synovium, can invade and damage bone and cartilage.

What is JointHeirs

JointHeirs is Antiarthritis herbal preparation from tropical forests in Nigeria, West Africa, and Africa is a continent endowed with an enormous wealth of plant resources. Over 5,000 distinct species are known to occur in the forest regions alone, and most of them have been used for several centuries in traditional medicine for the prevention and treatment of diseases and have been investigated and shown to have better and more efficient results. It helps maintain healthy joints and reduce stiffness. JointHeirs is also an effective overall support of the musculoskeletal system that is characterized by the inflammation of the membrane lining the joint, which causes pain, stiffness, warmth, redness and swelling. JointHeirs helps support connective tissue and alleviates the discomfort caused by the inflamed joint lining, the synovium, which invade and damage bone and cartilage, the inflammatory cells that release enzymes that digest bone and cartilage. It helps repair the lose shape and alignment, as a result of pain and loss of movement. JointHeirs - Natural Herbal Complex (500 mg/ 60 Capsules)


* - Support healthy joints. * - Alleviates discomfort caused by impaired joint movement. * - Maintains freedom of movement. * - Promotes circulation. * - Overall support of the musculoskeletal system. * - Help cope with sprains and strains from physical activity. * - Helps lower the blood sugar, blood pressure. * - Helps reduce swellings. * - Relief pains due to inflammation. * - It also has anti fungi effect.


It is effective for morning stiffness due to Rheumatoid Arthritis also effective for osteoarthritis and back pains.


Available in a pack of 60 capsules (500 mg). does not contain added sugar, salt, any artificial color, flavors or preservatives.

Suggested use

Take 2 capsules twice or thrice daily preferable with meals. Allow between three days to one week for result. Natural products provide progressive but long-lasting results. Usage could be discontinued after significant result.

Side effects

No known side effects.

Drug interactions

If taken with blood pressure medicine, it could further lower the blood pressure and results in dizziness.




Zingiber officinate -English name - Ginger Alstonia boonei- English name - Stool wood Nauclea latifolia - English name - Guinea peach The ingredients in JointHeirs is a concentration of substance that, in turn, inhibits of lyososomal enzymes and the ingredients of this complex contains substances such as Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) and Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) Compounds characterized from the extracts of Alstonia boonei are identified as lupane triterpenoid lupeol, the ursine triterpenoid alpha-amyrin and esters of these compounds also showed anti-inflammatory properties.


Alpha-Amyrin palmitate, present in a Ghanaian antiarthritic herbal preparation of Alstonia boonei, and Rauvolfia vomitoria, was synthesized and tested on complete Freund's adjuvant-induced arthritic rats. Histological examinations of the proximal interphalangeal foot joints showed reduced synovial proliferation and invasion of joints and reduced leucocytes infiltration of bone marrow and peri-articular tissue in treated rats. The extract fed in drinking water ad libitum reduced ipsilateral ankle adjuvant swelling by an average of 16% for the period of +4 to +17 days and improved weight gain.


A recent investigation showed that extracts of Nauclea latifolia, a component of medicinal plant used in our RA herbals is also used in the control of gastrointestinal helminths of animals and man. This extracts have been reported to contain proanthocyanidins that killed 50% of brine shrimp nauplii at <10 ppm. They are also toxic to the parasitic nematode Haemonchus infective L3 stage. Nematode glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) are potential drug targets. It was suggest that the inhibitory properties of this Nigerian plant extract against GST may contribute to the pharmacological basis of its efficacy against helmiathes in traditional herbal use


One other component of our anti-arthritis preparation Zingiber officinale has been shown to represent a potential new class of anti-platelet agents. The ability of 20 pungent constituents of Zingiber and related substances to inhibit arachidonic acid (AA) induced platelet activation in human whole blood was studied. The study concluded that gingerol compounds and their derivatives are more potent anti-platelet agents than aspirin under the conditions described in this study. Paradol, a natural constituent of Zingiber, was found to be the most potent COX-1 inhibitor and anti platelet aggregation agent. The mechanism underlying AA-induced platelet aggregation inhibition may be related to attenuation of COX-1/Tx synthase enzymatic activity. Lastly, important features of phenolic compounds for inhibition of AA-induced platelet aggregation and COX-1 activity were revealed in this study.


The interactions of the components used in the conventional Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) appear to play up more prominently in the herbal preparation. For instance the components our preparation, extracts containing the gingerols inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori CagA+ strains in vitro and this activity is suggested to contribute to its chemo preventative effects. Extracts of these compounds also demonstrated direct scavenging of NO and exhibited significant activity, which led to the conclusion that these extracts might be potent and novel therapeutic agents for scavenging of NO and the regulation of pathological conditions caused by excessive generation of NO and its oxidation product, peroxynitrite.


In a more recent study published, extracts derived from plant species used in our preparation were tested for antifungal activity against a taxonomically diverse group of human pathogenic fungi. The inhibitory characteristics of these plant extracts with those of the commonly used antifungal, amphotericin B and ketoconazole, and the plant-derived antifungal, berberine were compared. The plant extracts, notably those from Zingiber officinale had pronounced antifungal activity against a wide variety of fungi, including strains that were highly resistant to amphotericin B and ketoconazole.


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