Hello Ladies, We will be developing a new section of AASAP, called Empowering our Sisters, a valuable resource for all. I would really love it if you could review the website ad give me some feedback as to what will be key in developing the section in its entirety. What are our issues as women, what kind of services could we utilize online which can aide in our develoment. Thanks so much, your help is needed. Our membership is free.
Hi God Bless You. Good Afternoon I reviewed AASAP and think that it is excellent. I am very intrested in learning more and possibly getting some mentoring. I believe strongly that we as african americans should work together. I am needing advice. I work from home as a recruiter but have always aspired to own my own business. I just don't know where to start. I don't have the finance to start a business because my husband just got out of miliary and is now in school and my income is sporadic that is commission based. I enjoy many things such as creating hair products, teaching children and Career Consulting as I am a Recruiter and need advice. On what I should do to bring in additional income as we have fallen short with our fiances and need help quick to get started with another business or a job. I look forward to being a part of your group. Blessings