This is a replica of a 1913 Delivery Truck and it comes imprinted with your logo and your choice of the following: chocolate gourmet mints, chocolate almonds, extra fancy jumbo cashews, chocolate almonds and chocolate gourmet mints, jumbo cashews and chocolate gourmet mints, or chocolate almonds and jumbo cashews. Other vehicles available include a 1951 dump truck, 1911 pick-up truck, 1925 stake truck, 1931 pick-up truck, 1913 ambulance, 1927 tank truck, classic 18-wheeler, and a 1939 armored car bank.
For more ideas, visit Scrumptious Food Gifts or call us toll-free at 1.877.667.7642. 5% discount for all orders received by November 5. We will create customized gifts to fit your needs.
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