Hi All i would like for you to do is read this and let me know what you think ....thanks and enjoy......."DO YOU THINK IT'S TIME "........CHANGE is among us Now we have a chance to be hurd. Now it's our time. The word CHANGE can create jobs, wealth, security,just your life. The word change promotes new possibilities, new door ways, a chance for those of us who just want to make it happen with out hurting anyone and helping all who we come across.CHANGE .......if we change the way we think, we could accomplish so much more but as you all know that CRABS IN A BUCKET SYNDROME WE HAVE........THIS IS KILLING US ...........WE DONT HELP EACH OTHER ........WHY........We somewhere along the line of pain and suffering we lost the ability to truly do what we can to really help the next man.Our suroundings has bread us to be selfish and materalistic .....If we would just change that pattern of thinking for a little bit lets say ...uuummmm...2 months.......just be a blessing to someone with out looking for anything in return and im not saying ...give a bum a beer ....but im sayin is give that bum a job and talk to him and lift his spirits, be a friend to him and im not saying take him to your house and letem stay....but get to know and incourage him let him know that times are changing ..........Now is the time for the REVOLUTION if we would just unite and stand ......PAY ATTENTION TO ILLIEGALS THEY ARE TEACHING US WHAT WE HAVE LOST OVER THE GENERATIONS ....WE ARE A STRONG AND PROUD PEOPLE.....CAN WE CHANGE THE WAY WE THINK......In the days when we had a public voice, marching and protesting we were listened to and it brought about.........CHANGE ....NOW is our time, CHANGE is amoung us ....THINK about it .........right now in this time and age the most popular words being spoken right now is .....BLACK MAN....NOW is our time this is the start of that rainbow that goes up forever past this point where people rise above and get things done WE HAVE ALL THE TOOLS WE NEED IN PLACE BY 6 DEGREES OF SEPERATION ......THEY JUST NEED TO BE PULLED TOGETHER........Did you know that there are people who still use an out house in the south and have no running water in there homes.....Did you also know that SEAN puffy COMBS rented an island for the weekend just to party for $9mil..........WHEN did we become like them WHEN did we decide we were gonna forget about the rest of the lives of those who suffer the most when they dont have to ......for $1mil that would have bought the homes for 25 people ....but we would rather spend that kind of on nothing ..a party..1 weekend ...25 people new homes for the rest of the life .....CHANGE ....We are past those times where we didn't have wealth and education........NOW IS OUR TIME .......Do you even relized that if we did not go to work for one day just one out of 365 ....IF we could just organize ONE day where we did not buy anything ......Do you know what CHANGE that could bring about for us ....doesn't need to put in the media just you tell the next person and so on and so on and we pick a day that sends a message that it's time for CHANGE......the Date MLK birthday...2009.......WE STOP MOVING AND START OUR MOVEMENT.............The mexican people reminded us that by UNITING we can bring on CHANGE the wave of the BLACK MAN IS NOW......I WANT TO THANK MR. OBAMA for reminding us that times can always change and what we do right now at this time will bring on CHANGE and a better one for us. We need to star lifting up one anthor....The country is at a low right .....DO you know that as a people we control our own fate and that for generations we allowed someone else to control it ....but i see other nations passing us buy like we are not even here anymore .....ASIANS we make them rich and all they help are themselves.....WE NEED TO START PAYING ATTENTION TO WHATS GOING AROUND US they have a system and we all know what that system is one opens a store stays for 5 yrs then another comes in his place and stays for 5yrs etc.....etc....WE ARE IN A MUCH BETTER PLACE NOW THEN WE WERE BACK IN THE DAY BUT YET WE ARE TAMED AND FORGOT WHO WE ARE this was the plan all along to always keep us in a place where we would forget to unite....WE NEED OUR VOICE BACK IM NOT SAYIN TO JUMP ON THE OBAMA WAGON.....but there is nothin wrong with riding in the wagon behind that one........A NEW NAACP NEEDS TO BE FORMED ...one that is agressive young and will get things done...NAAS...THE NEW AFRICAN AMERICAN SOCIETY..........CHANGE IS AMONG US..........YOU WILL BE HEARING ALOT ABOUT ....NAAS......IN THE NEXT UPCOMING 5-10YRS........ IM GOING TO BUILD THIS ORGANIZATION WITH NOTHING just through 6 degrees of seperation using the funds from my company.....I will support directly the building of new sheltors, homes for people,building new schools, creating jobs .....FOR US ....BY US .............IT'S TIME PEOPLE WE TAKE CONTROL OF OUR DESTINY ..................

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