I agree that college and or network marketing is not for everyone, I have nieces and nephews who have are not working in there field of study. Network marketing is more than promoting a product or signing someone up on your team. Before I learned this I too was concentrating on the wrong product. I would advise anymore involved or looking to start in network marketing to read everything about NM, talk to others already building successful businesses learn about people. thanks
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Depends on the person..someone could take an MLM opportunity and run with it and make a fortune, while another is unable to grasp the concepts and nature of the business. MLM is not for everyone and neither is College. However EDUCATING yourself is for everyone.
I agree with you. College or MLM is not everyone. Even though I went to college and majored in Information Technology, I still feel the need to educate myself about MLM and continue to learn and grow my business that I have.
Order your copy of Chicken Soup for the Network Marketer's Soul today use the code 'achieve' at check out visit http://mlmsoul.com this code is good until 6/1/08 so hurry.
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