Words: 589 # 3-This article can be used in its entirety for free. It cannot be changed in any way, nor the signature removed. It cannot be sold for remuneration. As his article is under copyright at: New Image Writers, please notify the author: writelink3@yahoo.com www.newimagewriters.com Writing Mentors “Make” Names and Sell Tons of Books Writing Mentors pull writers out of the crowd and make them stand out. Their names become recognized and they sell books. They are taught by courses, lectures, consultation, teleseminars, home phone calls, writing assignments, and book sale campaigns. Mentors meet the writer’s needs. The writer may need someone to address why he or she can’t get started, or can’t find the time to write. A seasoned author may have lost the spark that makes for compelling writing. Mentors know how to get him or her out of the dilemma. Writing mentors are more holistic in their approach to helping the writer out. There are writing teachers who teach what the masters have taught them, but they might not meet the needs of the writer sitting in front of them. Book coaches guide writers through books by giving the writer someone to answer to. Most have never written a prize-winning, or best-selling book, which isn’t much help when technique is needed. Theory will not get the book written. On the other hand, a writing mentor analyzes the Writer’s abilities and lays out a plan of success. That plan considers the following needs: 1) Finding time to write 2) How to stop thinking about writing and write, according to the circumstances 3) Guiding the writer to make money in the fastest time with short nonfiction books. 4) Writing your dream novel in three easy steps 5) How to write the gripping opening, can’t put it down middle, and an ending that is logically the bombshell it should be. 6) How to edit and layout your manuscript so you’ll look like a serious writer who has studied the market, and not an amateur 7) Help in deciding on self-publishing or going mainstream 8) If you’re going to self publish, which printer is best to earn the highest return on the sale of each book 9) If you’re going mainstream, which agents to contact 10) What publishing industry’s addresses and instructions you’ll need to register your book before it comes out 11) One almost invisible tool to sell truckloads of your books quietly, for almost no money. 13) Have a book campaign that sells tons of books 14) One place to hang out with writers who are serious about a writing profession 15) One place to hang out with writers that keeps you updated on the latest marketing tools and writing trends. 16) The best writing conferences 17) Writing contests that matter 18) Learn how an autoresponder can sell thousands of books in days 19) How to build support for your book on one writing site built for that purpose Writing Mentors create a successful writing life or any writer that is serious about his or her writing career. They consider all aspects of the writer’s life. Their package comes in different parts, but all are geared to the future success. About the author: Martha Tucker is the author of, The Mayor’s Wife Wore Sapphires, an urban political thriller, which won the prestigious Cush City, “2007 Best New Author Award.” She is founder of the New Image Writers International Network. During the ten years it took to write her novel, she learned techniques seldom mentioned in writing classes, courses and books. She experimented and found those tools make novel writing fast and fabulous. She can be contacted at: www.newimagewriters.com blog.newimagewriters.com marthatucker@newimagewriters.com myspace.com/author_marti_tucker

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