
  • I sell my eBook via payloadz or Though I grumble a bit about having to pay the subscription fee (you have to pay if you make over $100 a month), I like the features and functionality. My only issue has been that some times (not all the times) when people pay with an eCheck, it takes a few days to clear, and in that waiting period sometimes they did not recieve the email link to download their book. I got a few paypal disputes opened on me because of that, but I quickly resolved all of them. I learned that it was important to not on the invoice that if one pays via eCheck, it might take several days before recieving a link to download the e-book, but with regular paypal payments you recieve the email link right away. Then again, somtimes you get folks who say then never got the email (or in some cases they either accidently deleted it or it went to their spam folder) Either way, I do like the fact that you can just reacctivate their request, and payloadz automatically sends them out another email.

    All and all, payloadz isn't perfect but it gets the job done for me properly most of the time so I'm satisfied. Whatever service you choose, you will always have to deal with at least a few cases of human error.

    • Don't you have an ebook on designing ebooks, specifically the covers?

      How do you like I thought about them at one time for ebook delivery.

      I've narrowed my search to PayLoadz and E-Junkie. I think I like E-Junkie more and more.

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