I am very excited to report that this weekend BBWO reached 2000 members, and the Black Moms Club reached 1000 members. Our Networking Community is quickly growing bigger and as it grows I want to ensure that we make it better together!
Here is a quick listing of several new features and business opportunities on BBWO:
0. Before I get started, please feel free to use this post to share your experiences or opinion of BBWO thus far. And let me know, what do you envision for BBWO in the future?
1. The BBWO Blogality Show
5 BBWO members have agreed to weekly blog post their Startup Business Stories in the BBWO Blogs. The goal is to create an opportunity for real business women to share their stories of entrepreneurship in the hopes that we can collectively learn from each other and support their growing businesses.
2. Myspace Friend Finder on BBWO
Share your myspace page and find new people to add to your friend's circle.
3. Do you have a Chique Shop?
Want to get featured on my blog? Find out how to get your website or product featured on the New Urban Chique Boutiques blog.
4. Want to add your site to Search Urban for free?
Click here and find out how...
5. Check out the latest Mother's Day All May promos and new addons
http://sistapreneurs.ning.com/forum/topic/listForCategory?categoryId=932382%3ACategory%3A75099How Your Can Support BBWO
1. Invite Your Friends
2. Add a link to BBWO to your site, blog, myspace page, etc.
3. Add the BBWO Badge to Your website
4. Send the BBWO Promo Post to your friends or mailing list
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