Hi ladies!


I hope everyone is well and on their way to a prosperous rest of the year!  I'm starting this discussion to see if there are any business women who would like to participate in a "Warm Weather Giveaway" with me.  Every year (twice a year, sometimes three) I host a giveaway where someone wins one of my custom gift sets.  Well, this year, I wanted to include any and all of the wonderful ladies of the BBWO who'd want to join in and donate a service or product for the winner to receive.  I've learned so much from so many on BBWO since 2011 began, I just want to give back to someone.


Attached is the gift set I will include.

If interested, please email me, tweet me, or send up smoke signals if you'd like and I'll get more info out to you.


Thank you all for being such a wonderful group of women!  Hope to work with you!





a small token.JPG

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