Ladies, we actually are finding more and more interest and success on this so I thought I'd share it with you.  We've found that even some of the best thought-leaders in their fields are forgetting to enable their thoughts to be spread viraly by having various share buttons on EACH and every post. Not just your Twitter, LinkedIn, etc links to the right for general follower/connection increase (though clearly that should be there as well).  We're talking within EACH post so that particular thought can travel exponentially.  We just did this for a successful business writer. Can be done in just a couple of days and at just a few hundred dollars, and voila! Want to see?... (see her 6/9/10 entry and descending to see the "tweet this", "digg this", etc built within each post) So easy and effective, yet forgotten by so many and can really generate sales leads and analytics after provide untold insight. 

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