OM A Day Campaign Logo by Ananda Leeke
Artwork featured in Leeke's book That Which Awakens Me: A
Creative Woman's Poetic Memoir of Self-Discovery
Copyright 2009 by Madelyn C. Leeke
Photo Credit: Leigh Mosley -
Happy September and National Yoga Month!
Today marks the the launch of kg yoga life practices’ OM A Day Campaign, an online effort that I created to provide yoga and relaxation tips for computer users. My tips for today are below. If you want to read the tips for the rest of September, click here: I recommend that you either subscribe to the kg yoga life practices' newsletter or follow the blog. You can access these services on the right hand side page of the blog.
Yoga Tips .... Let's start with a wisdom quote from my teacher Debra Perlson-Mishalove, founder of Flow Yoga Center ( - the studio where I trained to be a yoga teacher!), that you can use to understand yoga. I discovered Debra's wisdom while reading the September 2009 issue of Yoga Journal (
"Yoga offers us a practical philosophy that encourages harmony and consciousness in how we connect with ourselves and the world around us."Have you heard of mudras?
Mudras are yoga hand movements that can help cultivate a specific state of mind during your yoga and meditation practice. Click on the video below and watch me talk about mudras.
Click here to read a great Yoga Journal article about mudras: This article helped me discover my own mudra morning ritual. I have been using these mudras all summer to bring more concentration and stillness into my yoga, meditation, and Reiki healing touch practices. I even shared them with several friends and clients.
Do you have any yoga tips? If yes, please share them in the comments section.
Yoga on the Radio:Tune into Sisterhood, the Blog Radio on September 8 from 9:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. EST for my interview with Faith Hunter, co-owner of Shakti MindBody Studio. She will talk about her yoga journey. Faith is also one of my fabulous yoga teachers! Click here to listen to the show:
Join me for a conversation about the power of yoga in my creative life with my yoga teacher and life coach Yael Flusberg on the September 12th episode of The Ananda Leeke Show from 10:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m EST. Yael owns Y Elements - Click here to listen to the show:
On September 13, I am talking with Shawna Renee Madison, one of my favorite yoga teachers and entrepreneurs, on BAP Living Radio from 7:00 p.m. EST to 7:30 p.m. EST. Shawna is owner of Cocoa OM: Click here to listen to the show:
For DC Area Folks: On September 9, I will kick off kg yoga life practices Meetup Group’s Global Mala Project for Peace Awareness, a nine-day yoga class series that seeks to remind individuals that they have the power to create more peace in the world through mindfulness in their daily lives. Participants will have an opportunity to do 12 sun salutations. At the end of the nine-day practice, participants will complete 108 sun salutations dedicated to peace. The event will also honor individuals and countries impacted by the terrorist attacks of September 11th, United Nations International Peace, and Autumn Equinox. See the schedule below. For more information, visit
kg yoga life practices’ Global Mala Project for Peace Awareness was organized based on yoga teacher/peace activist Shiva Rea’s Global Mala Project ( The purpose of the Project is to unite the global yoga community to form a “mala around the earth” through yoga, meditation, and mantra practices based upon the sacred cycle of 108. A mala is a set of prayer beads made from 108 beads and used for keeping count while reciting, chanting, or mentally repeating a mantra or name of a sacred deity.
Global Mala Project for Peace Awareness Schedule:
a. September 9 @ 6:45pm-7:15pm
b. September 10 @ 6:45pm-7:15pm
c. September 11 @ 6:45pm-7:15pm
d. September 12 @ 9am-9:30am
e. September 13 @ 9am-9:30am
f. September 14 @ 6:45pm-7:15pm
g. September 15 @ 6:45pm-7:15pm
h. September 16 @ 6:45pm-7:15pm
i. September 17 @ 6:45pm-7:15pm
Yoga Online Class: My free monthly online yoga class series will begin on September 19 fromt 11:00 a.m. EST to 11:15 a.m. EST on http://www/ The class will be aired live via a web cam. A chat room will be included for discussion. During the class, I will provide kind and gentle yoga tips for computer users. Additional classes will be offered on October 17 and November 21.
Celebrating Yoga and OneWebDay in DC: On September 22, kg yoga life practices’ Meetup Group will hold its first annual celebration of OneWebDay ( and National Yoga Month ( Join me for a FREE short morning yoga class for Internet users from 7:15 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. in Malcolm X-Meridian Hill Park in DC. Visit
Enjoy your month!
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