Hi Everybody!
OneWebDay was established on September 22 in 2006 to honor the power of the Internet in our everyday lives. To learn more visit http://www.onewebday.org. Join the OneWebDay social networking site to obtain information about events and activities in your local community: http://my.onewebday.org.
Today, I launched kg yoga life practices' OneWebDay 22 Countdown, an online campaign that invites Internet users to blog, tweet, include links and insights in their status updates and groups on Facebook and other social networking sites, use social bookmarking to share information, post photos, send emails and texts, record audio blogs and podcasts, create videos, and make Slide Share presentations that express the positive impact the Internet has had on their lives and work. I hope you will join the Countdown campaign. Click here to read my daily blog posts during the Countdown campaign: http://kgyoga.blogspot.com.
So what has the Internet done for you?
The Internet gave me access to some incredible blogs like Jenn Lee's Life Unfolds - www.lifeunfoldsblog.com. Jenn is founder of Artizen Coaching - (www.artizencoaching.com). Her blog Life Unfolds is amazing. She always includes a list of books that she is reading. Last month I read Jenn's blog and learned about The Whuffie Factor by Tara Hunt (www.thewhuffiefactor.com). I bought it, fell in love, and finished reading it yesterday.
Tara introduced me to the concept of whuffie or social capital, the currency of the digital world. Cory Doctorow, author of Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, coined the term "whuffie." According to Tara, whuffie is a also "a core component of connection; in many cases is more valuable than money. and She also mapped out how I can raise my social capital through being nice, networked, and notable. Being nice, networked, and notable are three whuffie-building strategies that Tara learned about while reading Cory Doctorow's Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom.
Tara also talks about how "whuffie is a part of the gift economy, where services are performed without need for direct payment. In the gift economy the more you give away, the more whuffie you gain, which is completely opposite from currency in the market economy where you give away money." Here are some of my favorite quotes from The Whuffie Factor.
"To succeed in this Web 2.0 world, you have to turn conventional wisdom on its head and become a social capitalist."
"People are on social networks to connect and build relationships. Relationships and connections over time lead to trust, which is the key to capital formation. The capital formation I'm talking about, though, is not of the monetary variety. It is social capital, aka whuffie. and a social capitalist is one who builds and nurtures a community, thereby increasing whuffie."
"Whuffie, then, is the culmination of your reputation, influence, bridging and bonding capital, current and potential access to ideas, talent and resources, saved-up favors, and accomplishments."What are your favorite blogs and social media books?
Enjoy September!
Peace, Ananda
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