I'm 52 days into my 100 Day Challenge! One of the things that I realized these past few weeks is that sometimes you have to let go of a few things to get where you want to be. Now look ... I don't tell you anything that I don't tell myself. I'm a sista with 15+ websites so if ANYBODY knows how HARD it is to let go ... it's me! BUT sometimes you just gotta clean up shop. I've gone back and tweaked a few projects like my Adsense and my info website for black mothers, which reminded me that half-assed work (excuse my language) gets you half-assed results (lol). Taking the time to perfect/improve several of my web projects has really worked wonders for me! I'm very close to my goal of making $1000 per month just in adsense, ONLY because I finally decided to drop a few things and focus on the projects that are really working for me (read my social media marketing post for details on that one). If you are hitting your head against a wall trying to breath life into a dead project, let it go. You probably noticed that I've temporarily taken done several of my websites... right now I am in clarity and consolidation mode. Sometimes I have so MUCH information to share, folks don't know where to start (lol) so I'm gonna take some time to clean up shop! And you should be doing the same thing too... now speaking of time ... I've not been online as much lately because I'm sticking July declaration to put more of the MOM back into my work at home mom status. (lol) Slowing down and really taking this challenge as not just a time to increase profits but to improve self as helped me relax more and actually make more too! I've spent most of this week recovering from the sniffles and watching cartoons with my son, with very little work in between. And yet somehow I'm still busy. I'm packing tonight because I've been invited to Walt Disney's African American Mom Bloggers Conference this weekend!! I'm really excited about this one .... plus this week I was contaced by a rep from the Rachel Ray show and I'm eagerly awaiting the publication of interviews I did for an Essence Reporter and one from Black Enterprise! Isn't that crazy! There are a lot of new big things in the mix for me and I was absolutely estatic when I realized the Women of Color Coaching Program I co-founded with Richelle Shaw is now a year old! The Black Moms Club just reached 3,000 members and Black Business Women Online is quickly approaching 7,000 member! I say all this to say even though I've had my share of BAD days (as we all do) and I'm taking more mini-mommy breaks life goes on and my busy little business is still alive in kicking. A close friend reminded me this past weekend that "No one can change the destiny God has already written for you". With those words everything clicked in my head. No matter what others say or do or how good or bad a day goes my destinty AND your destiny is already written! So...
  1. Trim the Fat of unessecary projects and expenses
  2. Tweak and perfect the profitable projects that bring in money so they can bring in MORE Money
  3. Stop getting lost trying to find the next big thing
  4. Sitting in front of the computer won't increase sales any faster. Take a break and you just might make a breakthrough
  5. Remember to always keep swimming (as Dory Says in finding Nemo)
Though I need to lose a few pounds around the mid-section (lol), I do feel lighter letting things go and moving forward. Right now I'm doing this CLOSEOUT Marketing BONUS for 2009 giving over $200 worth of my eBooks AWAY for $27 bucks ( click here for details ) which is crazy and I freak out everytime I see someone purchase BUT I remind myself that closeouts help me help OTHERS who've been itching to get my stuff but couldn't afford it. AND closeouts help me virtually clean out my closest and get ready for whatever is in store for me in 2010. I hope you can lighten your load too! - LaShanda If you like my Marketing Style, definitely grab one of those 15+ ebook bundles before my 2009 Closeout offer is gone. Click here now. Related post Challenge #5: Sticking to the Plan

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