Greetings Friends! Are you concerned about your risk or a loved ones risk for developing breast cancer? Are your concerns causing you unwelcomed stress and interfering with your life? Relax because knowledge is power! Did you know that Green Tea has been found to help protect against breast cancer? The benefits of Green Tea are based on the following actions: 1. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects against DNA damage. 2. It induces detoxifying enzymes. 3. It effects cellular growth, and healthy development. 4. It improves the function of the intestines. Women who drink two or more cups of Green Tea per day lower their risk of breast cancer by 28%. (source: The Journal of Nutrition) If you are interested in learning more about holistic medicine then look for upcoming posts in Dr. Beckstead's Holistic Health Tips series. You may also download my Free eBook Balancing Your Hormones in an Estrogen Dominant World or sign up for my newsletter. Best Wishes for Health and Wellness, Dr. Patricia Beckstead Founder & CEO Freedom from Menopause and PMS 866-811-6234

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