E.N.T.I.C.E More Business

E.N.T.I.C.E More Business!


As we face a new day in business one of the things that go through our minds as business people is how “to get more business”. I have had a couple of people ask me how they can do that, whether they need to market more or attend more events to get new contacts. You can attend as many events whether on or offline, but if you do not know ‘how’ to properly handle those few hours or even minutes you have; then you probably will not get the result you expect. In Mulika we believe, “it is not what you are doing that is the problem, but the how”.  I have a few strategies below that can help you entice more business.

Exercise your ability to attract. The most crucial aspect of getting more business is to be able to attract what you want. Some say we attract people who are mostly like us. If that is the case; do you see the need to adjust certain aspects about yourself? If that is the case, then you know exactly the kind of people you will be dealing with and how to handle them, because they are like you. If you are a busy person, then you know, you will attract busy people, which means you know how to handle that person. A busy person probably has a planner and is not keen on impromptu engagements; therefore you will need to set appointments.


Network. The most powerful weapon you can use to get more business is networking. There are so many platforms for networking out there; online there is Mulika’s Astonishing Woman which is a business and lifestyle network, there is Black Business Women Online and a whole lot more. You can become a member of all of these, where you can meet different people and possible business contacts. You can develop good relationships with people, which will prove to be an asset in the long run. One of the service offerings of Mulika Strategic Management are Marketing and Strategic Marketing Plans and one of the strategies and recommendations we give people concerning how to market their business, project or service is networking. We encourage you to attend as many relevant events as you can and participate in as many relevant online forums as you can. Notice, how I keep repeating the word “relevant”; because as a business person, you need to focus on what will bring you more business not just anything that pops up and unlike going there to just have fun you got there to get more business.As you network you need to develop a positive attitude.


Take time. You need to take time before moving in for the kill. The last thing i want when i go for an event is someone who comes to me and immediately throws a sales pitch in my face. Take the time to know and listen to someone and what they have to say, and that way, you will know the right approach to take in order to advertise your product or service; this applies whether on or offline. Take time to get to know people; as people warm up to you they will trust you more and then instead of you asking whether they want to do business with you, they themselves will ask for one of your products or services, because now they know
and trust you and you will feel like the girl/guy next door.

Identify and Influence. In order to attract other people, you have to be the source of certain information; this means you are being identified as the go to gal or guy. You can be the go to person for a certain product or service or for a certain contact.  It’s either you can solve people’s problems or you know certain people who can solve those problems. I can let you know of certain go to gals that i have identified who can solve certain problems for you. 

I could spend the whole day giving you a list of the go to gals i know, you can check out more on Mulika’s Astonishing Woman and on one social network i am part of BBWO, where you can check go to gals in the Referrals Group. You do not need to go on the net and spend the whole day surfing for a specific something, when you can go on one of the above people or sites i have mentioned and you are guaranteed to find what you are looking for.

I have also found a number of places where i have had my problems solved that i can let you know of and trust me, these ones are good and have helped me tremendously.

·         I have found Webs to be so beneficial especially when you do not have a single penny in your pocket. I have also found outstanding information and help from one of Lashanda Henry’s sites that gave so much information pertaining to creating
a website for profit.
I am no size zero and do what i can to stay in shape, but the one thing that has helped me maintain and keeps on helping me is Tava Tea, just a cup or two of tea a day is helping me maintain a healthy weight. 

I could spend the whole day giving you information concerning weight lossinformation and business information. Just developing know how and connecting with the right people and being selfless, offering a little help here and there, and referring someone to the right people is what will get you more business.

Communicate and conquer your fear. At times you fail to get more business because you are clouded by fear of the unknown. You fear talking to a certain prospect because you may feel inadequate and you may fear rejection. As the saying goes “practice makes perfect”; you need to just do it; just talk to one person and you will see as you keep on doing that, you will be a pro in no time. Instead of waiting for someone to approach you at a networking event, why don’t you simply say “hello”.

Another essential aspect of communication involves being easily accessible and in every kind of way. An example can be either face to face, email, telephone. You need to be able to give people a variety of options in terms of getting hold of you. Even if you prefer email, you still have to be able to accommodate a prospect who prefers communicating with you via telephone.


Engage.  Whenever you have a conversation with someone you have to be properly prepared for that conversation. Do not just walk up to someone at a networking event and just say “hi” and even if they approach you, a mere “great” is better than a dow “fine”. You have to have a couple of conversation topics, stories and questions ready that you see would benefit and ignite something. You have to be to alert when speaking to someone, to the point where you can easily identify any common points of interest between you and that person. Indentifying those common points of interest will help you with conversation and interaction topics. You body language and the way you talk also needs to be engaging; and this in turn will make someone want to take more time to talk to you even after the event or place of initial meeting.

Just by following the above strategies, you would have easily found more business. Next time when you are clueless on what to do increase those sale, just

Exercise the ability to attract


Take time to know and listen

Identify and influence

Communicate and conquer fear



more business.








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  • You're most welcome ladies!
  • Thank you Cynthia.
  • Cynthia,

    Great read!!! And thanks for the love.

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