What is a food entrepreneur? Anyone who makes and sells a homemade or commercially made food product i.e. jams, jellies, pickled veggies, seasoning mix, pasta sauce, sausages etc. I am also interested in home-based bakery owners, cake decorators, pound cake makers who bake from home and sell to the public or to a food distributor.
Please email me with details about your business, full name, phone number and email. I am particularly interested in the journey of your start-up from kitchen to market. My email is denay@cookingwithdenay.com. Contact with any questions.
p.s. A photo of your product(s) is recommended.
Just Like Mamas Seasonings (On Facebook)
75 Years of culinary legacy from my Grandmother (Mama) and other women in my life who encouraged and prayed for me to go above and beyond.
Please contact via email with your phone number, I would love to interview you for a HomeBasedBaking.com food crafter series. Email me at denay@homebasedbaking.com and please take a peek at our website
I'm working with an Entrepreneur of the only black owned and operated healthy coffee and tea company. It might make for an interesting story. He's a retired police officer, veteran and past food inspector. We are 6-months young and quickly expanding across the U.S. through fundraising with non-profits, churches, schools, etc.,. Let me know what you need to get started.
Barb Brockus, MBA
Please have him contact me directly and I will schedule a time for an online or phone interview. Thank you.~Denay
I have shared your message with my friend, Sharon Fox. Her website is www.goodcookin4u2.webs.com
Just wondering if you plan weddings and how long you have been in business? I am planning a panel made up of wedding consultants in January 2011. The team will be working on that project beginning in August of this year. You might want to send me a bio and your email link. I can't promise anything since all the decisions are up to the team, but throw your hat in the ring,you never know and the exposure will be great. Please email your information and do not post it in this forum. Thanks. ~Denay