Welcome to the Authors Corner for the Cheers! To Your Success anthology.
Join us on October 18, 2010 @ 9pm EST for our first webinar! This will be the first and ONLY webinar open to the public. All subsequent webinars will be held privately for the participants of the anthology. I want to take a moment to answer any questions for all who are considering joining the anthology as well as those who are board for the release of the book.
This is only public webinar for this book project.
Join us for a powerful discussion on issues such as ;
-The chapter submission rules
-Benefits of participating in the Cheers! To Your Success anthology
-The purpose of this anthology
-Our launch event for March 2011
-Other participatory opportunities within this project
-and much much more!
I look forward to connecting with you on this call. This will be the only open call for this project so do not miss this opportunity to personally connect with me and the other visionaries on this project.
When : Monday, October 18, 2010
Where: From the Comfort of Your Home
Time: 9 pm EST
Dial-in Number: 1-218-862-1300
Conference Code: 754944
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Continue to Be Successful!
Carol Sankar