Hate Shopping?

I used to hate shopping and would often forget to even buy cards for birthdays because the thought of going to a store and spending hours picking something out was so unappealing. Don’t get me wrong. I love the idea of gifts…when it is truly a gift. A true gift is when you come across something you know absolutely the other person would like and is unique to them. A true gift is NOT when you buy something from a list that the person gave you or registry. It’s more like business transaction. You’re just getting them what they asked for. The same applies to gift cards. Sure, sometimes you have to buy them, especially if you’re getting a gift for a teenager or someone impossible to buy for, but it never feels like a true gift, just a business transaction. Thanks to the internet and some strategies I’ve learned over the past couple of years to keep myself stocked with the perfect gifts to give people throughout the year. 1. Use your Amazon wish list. If a friend or relative makes mention of a book or CD or other item that they want to have, and I’m confident they aren’t going to buy it for themselves, I put it on my Amazon wish list and make a note to buy it for that person for Christmas or for their birthday. Then when that occasion comes around I just check my wish list and buy it for them. If you know that someone is, say, interested in both fashion and photography, and you come across a blog entry about an interesting book of fashion photos, you should also add that to your Amazon wish list with a note to buy it for them at the next holiday or birthday. I do this repeatedly throughout the year and, without fail, the recipient is thrilled with the gift, especially because it’s a surprise and they hadn’t heard of the book or item before yet is something they are interested in. 2. Go to eBay and type in the name of the person’s favorite TV shows, rock bands, cartoon characters, cars and other interests. You’ll get all kinds of interesting search results for unique items the person has probably never heard of before but would be interested in receiving. The items will often be vintage or something that would be impossible to find in a brick and mortar store. Gifts like this are always hit and inexpensive options are almost always available. 3. Go to Froogle.com, which is a Google site that lets you search for stuff to buy. It brings up only search results for the product and is very efficient way to find items and browse by category. There is a “compare prices” button for each item. You can also refine your searches to particular price ranges, brands and stores. And for another way to find the best prices online, I highly recommend this free shopping tool

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