Have you ever thought to yourself, why I am not as successful as I should be in my business, or my marriage or even raising my children? Well what I have learned in life, and it applies to every aspect of your life, and that is, your talent or gift can take you to high places in life, but your lifestyle or character won't keep you there. What does that mean? All of us have a special talent or God given gift that is awesome. When you get around people and display such gifts or talents, people are quickly taken to you, and want to instantly zoom in on your gifts and market it or use it in some way. This allows you to gain recognition and make more money than you ever dreamed of, but before you can really get recognized or make the money your talent or gifts have made room for you to accomplish, you soon find, that the phone doesn't ring anymore, no one wants to listen to you anymore, and no one is interested in what you have to offer anymore. You are now asking yourself what happend?

I'll tell you what happened, "you happened",  you got in the way of your talents and gifts. Are you stubborn?, hateful? bossy? haute? or lazy?, not willing to listen? perhaps you have a take over attitude, or maybe you are living a lifestyle or creating an environment that causes chaos and confusion, like maybe partying all night long, having no self control, and/or combative. Sometimes we don't see it right away because we have been living or doing these things for so long we dont' realize it is getting in the way of our success in life. You have to get to a place where your character and lifestyle can line up with the talents and gifts you have, so that you can receive from other people without allowing character flaws to get in the way.

How do I do that? By going back and taking inventory of yourself. Start taking a serious look at your life and the things you are doing that continues to cause problems for you. If you really take time to evaluate who you are honestly, no one has to tell you what your doing wrong, you will figure it out all by yourself. Truthfully you really know how you are, it's choosing to change, is where the real problems come in at. What you have to do now is to work on developing character traits that will offset the bad ones. If you are a poor listener, which I must admit, I was at one point in my life, then you have to offset that by keeping your mouth closed, whether you are right or wrong about a situation, sometimes it not worth causing confusion or problems if it's not going to make a difference anyway. If you know you are a person who has a temper problem, when you feel that anger beginning to build up in you, quickly change the subject or leave the room, you are not a child, anger can be controlled. The problem is most people who get angry like to be angry, but of course that's not you, so try to do things that will not cause anger to rise up in you. It can be hard, but you can do it

. And do you know why you can do it? Because you have a marriage to tend to, you have a business that can be so successful, and you may even have children who are dependant upon the choices you make in life, that affects the entire family structure. If this was you at some point in time please share it with us today on the Black Business Women Online, and tell us how you overcame. You never know who you may help. So I say today in encouragement, evaluate, separate, so that you can elevate. God Bless You!
Power Couples & Families

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