im naybesa and this is my very first day on BBWO and im very happy to be here with you all. Im only 20 years old so i wont be surprised if im one of the babies of the site. So business wise in the real world im a Pre Paid Legal Associate, on line Im a urban blogger. My main reason for joining is for my Urban Blogging site. I want to change my voice, learn how to drive traffic to my site, make money doing what i love and network with women that are positive and doing wonderful things for themselves. Anywhos that was a long hello, yes i know i talk a lot.
I hope to get to know all 7K of you soon
You have a very unusual name. Is from a culture other than American? I am Roxanne Richardson, owner of Sweet Tooth Fairy Giftbaskets an on-line gift basket business. I live in Washington, DC. I am also fairly new to Business Women Online. I have purchased their e-books which have been a great help to me. I am still learning this networking thing and how to use the social media, blogging, posting, etc. Pretty soon I will have all of this down pat. Please feel free to become a fan of Sweet Tooth Fairy Gift Baskets on Facebook and take a look at some of the pictures of baskets that I have posted here. Much success with your business and networking.
Confectionately yours,