Hello my sisters. I am from Sierra-Leone, West Africa. I moved to the United states in 1991. Recently I was shocked to hear that Africans do not like to be associated with African Americans. I have not personally experienced that situation. However, I would really like to kick off this discussion on how we can bring our resources together to better our beloved Africa. We cannot depend on the Government and politicians to come to our rescue. We as individuals should take it upon ourselves, especially us sisters, to network together and make a difference in Africa. How can we execute this project? We need every trade from vocational, marketing, etc. Some children in war countries like mine has never sat in a classroom. These teenagers are going to need hands on job training to assist them to be self-sufficient. Also most of these girls were raped during the war and already have kids! Some of them are HIV positive. Please let me know how we can immediately step in and assist in any way we can by putting in your two cents.....

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