Guest post by Evelyn Bourne | Featured in my free eBook Get Your Business Straight
The world is moving so fast right now, and as an Internet entrepreneur you may sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed at the pace of change. If you're a business woman who runs your company from your home office, you may sometimes feel isolated from the world despite the fact that you are connecting all day with customers and clients and vendors.
But what if you had a group of trusted confidantes that you could consult with about how things are going with your business, ask for advice, share your knowledge and get feedback on your plans? A Mastermind group is all of those things and more. While the basic concept of the Mastermind group has been around for centuries, Napoleon Hill, author of, Think and grow Rich, and The Law of Success, popularized the concept in the early 20th century and it has become part of mainstream business practices.
The Mastermind principle basically states that when a group of like-minded people come together with a common purpose combining their energy and ideas towards a common goal there develops an, ". . . invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind [the master mind]." So, this Mastermind, this "third mind" that emerges out of the harmonious cooperation of two or more individuals, is the key to achieving more than any of you could on your own. Whether you join or start a Mastermind group here are three strategies for making sure that your group is successful:
1. Clarify expectations
Each person may come to the group with completely different ideas about what a Mastermind group is and what they want out of it. If everyone gets their ideas out on the table and discusses them freely you can come to agreement on how you will operate your group. Clarify the roles and responsibilities of the group members and the structure and flow of each meeting.
2. Establish common goals for the group
Even as each individual has goals that they are working towards, the group should come into agreement on the common goals of the collective. This is a prime example of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.
3. Be transparent
Harboring hidden agendas will hinder the free flow of positive energy needed to keep the group moving forward. You must be able to trust your Mastermind group as you should always be trustworthy. Each member should agree to keep everything discussed in their Mastermind group as strictly confidential.
Participating in a Mastermind group could be just what you need to fuel a breakthrough in your business and in your personal growth. Meeting on a regular basis with other business women who have similar goals and aspirations can provide each of you with a sense of accountability for the goals you set, support for your ideas and a place for you to share your knowledge and expertise while you soak up the wisdom of your colleagues.
Evelyn Bourne is a Freelance writer and blogger who specializes in creating compelling web content that converts to higher sales, makes visitors come back for more, and keeps you visible in the search engines. For SEO articles, eBooks, White Papers or special reports visit, today.
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