For the past couple of months I've been querying agents and I've been getting nothing but rejections. That's why I decided to try my hands at self publishing..I've submitted my manuscript through two self publishing agencies and both of them rejected my Manuscript also. I've contacted one of the librarians at my local library and I've been communicating with her a for a while and I'm not getting anywhere with her. She referred me to one of the publishers she know and the publisher can't assist me because she's swamped with other clients. I can't afford to pay for editing and all I want to do is introduce my craft to the masses. The major set back for me is money. I've been back in forth in trying to get my book published. This is very very frustrating for me right patience is thinning out and I don't know where to go from here. Can anyone and I mean can ANYONE give me some vital info. All I want to do is publish my novel. Are there any literary agents in these forums??? Publishers???? *Sighs*
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I wish you much success!!
LaKeisha Hankins