I'm SO Hungry!

What is that I'm so hungry for you might ask...? Well I'm SO hungry to see women as a whole become whole. What do I mean by that? I mean I desperately want to see women get to a place where the issues and hurt from their past work for them and through them and not AGAINST them. Where they no longer wear the pain from their past on their face/sleeve, build walls to keep people who truly want to love them out and become jealous, envious and enraged at other women because they are insecure. I'm SO hungry to see women feel empowered and KEEP that empowerment. I'm SO hungry to see women allow that empowerment to become contagious and permeate to other women they connect with becoming a domino effect! I'm SO hungry to see women show genuine LOVE to one another and to hold each other up when life is trying to drag them down! OOOOHH I'M SO hungry to see women in a place where they are unbreakable and unstoppable! Why you may ask am I SO hungry to see all of these things take place. I'll tell you! I was once that woman who was breakable, hated myself, and hated people, felt unattractive, unwanted and wandered aimlessly through life. Me? Yeap Me! I didn't know or understand how to process what I had gone through in life from grade school to college with girls and women treating me like an outsider because I was unique, peculiar and honestly beautiful. I also held in the pain from me accepting men in my life who were not yoked equally with me in all aspects and men who were intimidated by my life and accomplishments. It wasn't until the Lord showed me that He didn't create me to fit in nor did He create me to be a man's trophy or door mat that I truly began to accept the fact that there was and is a PURPOSE for and in all the things I'd been through and go through. NOW, I no longer feel bad about sticking out like a sore thumb or accomplishing all that I have and am. There's a reason for it all! The Lord had and has SIGNIFICANT work for me to do and had I not been through what I've been through I wouldn't be able to do what I do with such passion. In conclusion, to you my sister... I'm SO hungry to see YOU excel to levels beyond your wildest dreams! I'm so hungry to see YOU live in total completeness! I'm SO hungry to see you walking to the beat of your own drum and theme music! I'm SO hungry to see you receive, walk in and BECOME all that the LORD has destined for YOU! I'm SO hungry to see YOU rise above EVERYTHING that has tried and is trying to hold you back! I'm SO hungry to see you LIVE and not merely survive! I'm SO hungry to see you STEP into YOUR GREATER and WALK into YOUR VICTORY with your head held high! I Believe In YOU and I'm Cheering YOU on ALL the WAY to the FINISH LINE! You CAN Make It! You WILL Make It! I Love You! ~Dr. NYC

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