I'm trying to network with people

I came on this site to network with people and so far it's not working for me. I'm willing to network with anyone who'll send me a friend request. I'm an unemployed inspiring writer and I give up! I really really give up. I know I seem like a quitter but every time I take a few steps forward..something always knocks me several steps backwards. I'm a college grad and I still can't find a job. Going to college was a waste of time for me. I only know how to exist. I have never lived a day in my life. Interviewing with employers has wasted my time and resources. I pray and none of my prayers are being answered. My dreams won't get any further than a dream. I've been told not to give up and it's getting me absolutely no where. I rather lay in bed and surf the net all day and watch my life slip through my fingers. I can't even get a burger flipping job. The economy's climate has gone straight down the sewer. I'm stuck with student loans that I can't even pay back. I've been unemployed for six months. I'm only going to end up back to where I was in the past. There's no use in going forward because even if I find success..it'll only be short lived. Thanks

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  • Power of the spoken word truly is a powerful thing. If you think you cant do something you're right, conversely if you think you CAN do something you're right. It's lack of the unknown that lets babies try to walk when their legs are only strong enough to crawl but they dont know that yet. It's that same lack of the unknown that lets toddlers play with bugs because they didnt know they were "supposed" to be afraid of them. Its the fear of the unknown that holds adults back. That fear of not knowing where your next meal or rent is gonna come from when you dont have a job. That fear of not knowing what to do next after everything else has failed. See where I'm going with this?

    If you tell a person they are no good and they will never amount to anything enough times, they will believe it even if they are gifted and have all the potential needed to succeed; but if you tell someone they can do anything they put their mind to and that they were destined for greatness they will start to believe that too even if they have a disability.

    That person could be a child that trust u and believes what you tell them or that person can be yourself. It seems like you tell yourself what you cant do more than what you are capable of doing and if you want to change that you have to start now. I suggest reading "What Do You Say When You Talk To Yourself" It doesnt have to be what you say out loud. Your thoughts are just as powerful and it seems like you are doing a number on yourself.

    One thing I noticed is how easily people can pick up on negativity even tho you think you are hiding it. When you think about it, everyone has their own problems in some way shape or form and they dont have the energy to add another persons unhappiness to their life. That could be whats keeping people away. I personally see that you are engulfed in hopelessness and I want to help even if you just need a fresh ear to get it all out so you can make room for the positive and move on from the negative. sending a friend request your way :-)


  • That's tough to swallow. I know that it's rough, but know that you are not alone. Just like SoulSeed said, when you change the way you see life, things will change. Your thoughts will be manifested in your everyday living. It's so real and true. I'm actually going through college now with a year left and sometimes, I really do feel like it was a waste of time. However, I look back and take all of the positives from the experience. And that's how I do with everything in life. Even those daunting interviews. I am who I am today thanks to those experiences. With all that you've been through, now you see that you want to work for yourself and you have the tools and maturity to have realized what it is that you need to achieve your dreams. Stay strong! And even if you're networking and meeting others who are NOT established or have pull, those are still people that can help support you and carry you through to a better way of living =)
    • @Soulseed Tees @Fatima People say they're going to help me or they act as if they're going to help me..but they never do. I want to stay strong but I feel like I'm losing myself in the process. I'm too emotionally and mentally drained to even try again. I'm only existing. I went back to school just so i could stay off the streets and it fell through. I know I'm not alone but I feel like I'm alone because no one and I mean NO one is going to help me. PERIOD! Pardon my negativity..but I feel like a despondent underachiever.
      • ...and another thing. Sometimes good things come out of us being down on our luck. Look at Tyler Perry's story. Where would he be today had he given up? The help you seek shoulld not be put on other people. Help yourself...create something. That's what a lot of sisters on this site are doing.
        • I'm still trying network. I'm trying....
  • Wow Sis slow down. I hope that I can be of some encouragement. I will start by saying your life is a reflection of your actions and your thinking. I know that's not what you want to hear, but I gotta keep it real with you. Wyne Dwyer says, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change." So, I hope you will change the way you look at life. It will get better I promise you, but you have to know that and live it. What did you go to school for?
    • @Fatima and @SoulSeed...No offense was taken. I went to school for business administration and that's when i received my associate's degree. I was pursuing my bachelor's degree but I had to leave school because it was too expensive. Now I'm back at home with my parents and sister and I'm about to end up homeless again. I try to see things in a positive light but it doesn't help. I'm aware that one's thinking is their reality. Finding a job is a needle in a haystack. I can only settle for crumbs because I'll never get the whole loaf or a slice.
      • I don't see how you try to see things in a positive light because most of what you say is a hopeless helpless mentality. Have you ever sought professional help? It seems your issues run a whole lot deeper than not having a job...and I'm not trying to beat you up I, I'm just trying to help. If you want people to help you, you need to work on your attitude. No one wants to work with someone with that frame of mind. Come on now this requires a little bit of effort on your part. Take responsibility.
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