The other night I was hitting my head trying to figure out how I could keep up blogging and continue designing a Christian clothing line and go back to work as a full-time teacher.  Here I was on a Friday night sitting in the middle of my family room's floor with four pieces of construction paper, tape, and a Sharpie.  I was determined to regain focus before returning to work on Monday.

I know that having a 9 to 5 job AND being an entrepreneur after 5 isn't easy, but it can be done with some practice.  I can't blog during the day and by the time I come home I am exhausted (especially since I am 6 months pregnant too).  I know that I really want my blog and clothing line to inspire people and to reach more people than what I am doing now.  So here is what I came up with on Friday:

I set my goal: To increase my subscribers/readers (this is important for the clothing line aspect of my website).

And then after I set my goal I was ready to A.I.M.

A-Act- blog once a week on

I-Inform- others via facebook, twitter, mybbwo, and email (Mailchimp is great!) of what was happening on

M-meet- blog on someone else's blog (this will allow me to build relationships with other bloggers and share information).

I am going to do this for 21 days and then evaluate my progress and decide to continue or modify. 

This is what is currently hanging up on my office walls and I am determined to stick to it. 

So, what goal do you have for your business?  Remember, keep it obtainable if you are working during the day in order to keep your sanity at night!

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