How to Start a Nonprofit Organization
Please click on this link for information on "How to Start a Nonprofit Organization" and More -
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Please click on this link for information on "How to Start a Nonprofit Organization" and More -
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“African American women control over $400 billion in buying power, which is over 60% of the total African American buying power of $649 billion.”
- The Selig Center for Economic Growth
We are livid that we have to acquiesce to get a paycheck.
We ar
Read more…Attorney Karmen A. Booker has a business / nonprofit consulting firm – Compu-Perfect Professional Services. Compu-Perfect has been providing business consulting services for 17 years, which include but are not limited to establishing for-profit and
Read more…Attorney Karmen A. Booker has a business / nonprofit consulting firm – Compu-Perfect Professional Services. Compu-Perfect has been providing business consulting services for 17 years, which include but are not limited to establishing for-profit and
Read more…Starting your own home based business really is simple but people tend to complicate the process by letting their fears and excuses get in the way. It is simply a matter of 4 things in the beginning!
We are pleased to introduce the world’s first ever week long entrepreneurial online conference. Has God given you a business idea but you don’t know what to do? Then this workshop is for you! Come hear business leaders share their knowledge and strat
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The affects of the economic downturn have led us to turn to family and friends for comfort and support as we seek to either retain our jobs, or aspire for something new. Friends and family often give us great advice and tell us what we wish to hear b
Read more… After this workshop, attendees will have a written framework for their personalized financial recovery plan. The plan will include information and resources in each of the 5 areas that are key to recovering from fo
Read more…Retooling the Automotive Industry Career Transition and Entrepreneurial Workshop Series Saturday, August 1st 10am-5pm UofM Fairlane Center (19000 Hubbard Drive, Dearborn MI) (Down the street from the Ritz Carlton, next to The Fairlane Club) For only
Read more…Buying a home is not a spur of the moment decision. Taking time to prepare and doing the homework not only makes the process less stressful, but will make homeownership a pleasure. Getting Organized Start with a loose-leaf notebook and some sharpene
Read more…I wanted to announce the book I recently finished compiling to aid experienced and new (like myself) real estate agents...
I just want to know can a brother just come clean from day one. No representative, no exxageration. Just bring all the baggage and present it to a woman when they first meet. Have you ever just thought men today forgot how to be real???
Read more…Ok this is the third time in three years, I think this only happens to me but I can't keep a man, In 2006 my child hood sweetheart asked me to marry him again and I said do you know what it is that i'm doing in business he said yes I said ok what he
Read more…I've just been approached to conduct research for a friend of my mother's...and I have no idea where to start! I think he has a wonderful idea and I would like to help, but no idea where to begin. Suggestions greatly appreciated. He has:170 acres of
Read more…I am getting ready to jump off with my Mary Kay business. I always wanted my own business. I think now is the time. I want to be my own boss someday.
Read more…Hello Ladies, I posted this article on my site and received quite a bit of feedback. What is your opinions? .... Eliminating Excuses... Why African Americans Do Not Own Businesses The Data According to the 2000 Census, Blacks/ African-Americans
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