Looking for vendors willing to Collaborate

I am an event planner located in south jersey 20mins from Atlatnic City NJ. I am looking to do two things have a bridal show or an engament party. If I could a few vendors willing to organize this event and maybe a hotel willing to let us use their facility inexpesively or for free would be great. The venue would get exposure the vendors would as well we could decorate the venue and if we get a photographer they could take pictures. We would invite recently engaged coulples or anyone planning an event this would be our chance to show our creativity. We could hopefully get some reasonably priced advertising and charge a small fee just to cover our expsenses. The second thing I would like to do is get some vendors together to maybe create a package that we could market as a team. For example as a planner I would of course need a florist, photographer, DJ, possibly a caterer, limo service and etc. If the client hired 3 to 5 venodrs in the group they would receive a discount. I may need more than one florist because maybe the event is an hour away so it would be nice to have local vendors as well as a team in north jersey and philadelphia and delaware. The economy is tough and this is something that could benefit us all. If anyone is interested please contact me by email or phone 609-926-0477.

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