Losing YOU is NOT an Option!

If you ever feel like throwing in the towel or you know someone who does, please pass this along to them. It hurts and has been hurting oh so very long! But still Losing YOU in NOT an Option! No one knows my pain! No one knows the tears that I cry and have cried! But still Losing YOU is NOT an Option! You don't know the load I have to carry from past and present hurt as well as guilt! But still Losing YOU is NOT an Option! How about all the times I have to go without because I can't make ends meet and it seems I can never get ahead? But still Losing YOU is NOT an Option! I'm lonely, destitute and so very misunderstood! But still Losing YOU is NOT an Option! I'm tired of stressing and crying and praying and going around in circles! But still Losing YOU is NOT an Option! Seems like no one cares if I exist or not anyway! But still Losing YOU is NOT an Option! Why? Because you were created for a purpose and it's hard to see that purpose when all you can see is PAIN. Yes, I know. I have been there many times. Simply put, YOU need YOU in order to get to where YOU need to go. YOUR destiny awaits and although you may choose not to believe this, there are many people who are tied to your destiny and your greatness. They are waiting and needing you to change your perspective of your life by taking your eyes off your issues and focusing on the path of being re-built for the sole purpose of reaching your destiny. The world needs something that no one can give like YOU. Therefore, get yourself up, shake the dust from your feet and move out of the place of hurt, pain, guilt, anger, depression and resentment. Allow yourself to be placed by our FATHER into HIS hands and allow HIM to put the pieces back together again so that you can RUN on and see what's ahead of YOU! What's to come is so much better than what's been! Believe this… Losing YOU is NOT an Option! With Love , Dr. Nycole P. Lyles-Belton

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