PAY IT FORWARD CHALLENGE: Doing something nice for others, without expecting anything in return is one of the most rewarding experiences . As we pray for god to bless us in our lives I challenge you to take time this spring sow a seed and "pay forward" the kindness you feel you have received in your own life, to whomever you feel needs it the most. This challenge does not necessarily require that you contribute money. In fact, I'd prefer that it not, because while money and finances make our world go around, it is not necessarily the bread in our mouths or the clothes on our backs. This is a chance to give back to your community, and a chance to take stock of the wonderful things you do have in your life.
Below are some things that you can do to Pay It Forward, but keep your options open. Do it as often as you like, and feel free to post about it here PAY IT FORWARD CHALLENGE (because we'd love to hear what you've done!):
Bake a loaf of bread for a neighbor.
Help a neighbor or relative with their yardwork.
Donate your time and services to a food kitchen or pantry.
Donate clothing to a women and children's shelter or other shelter.
Offer to babysit for a friend.
Volunteer as a Big Brother or Big Sister.
Clean out your bookshelves and donate to the local library.
Buy additional school supplies for your children's classroom, or volunteer to read a book to the class.
Take the Pay It Forward Challenge and apply it to whatever you're passionate about. Also, if you decide to participate, please pass the challenge on in your own blogs (feel free to link back here). This is an opportunity to give back and appreciate the world around you, so make it meaningful!
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