My motivation is my family and my situation. I love my sisters and brothers very much and now, we are all getting older. They are about to go to college and I am doing my best to become successful and help them. I can't express how filled my heart is when I see them doing something good. My sisters are following in my footsteps. One is graduating with honors and the other will be graduating with college credits. They are in organizations and love to read. My sister asked me if I was going to have my business running by the summer of 09 because she wants to work for me. I organized a fundraiser when I was in college and they worked for me for a brief time. They loved it. My brothers are into sports.
My other motivation is my circumstance. I am in a place right now where my mind can not rest. I sleep with a stick on the side of my bed because my neighborhood is dangerous. The hospital and school take so much money from me, I can not afford somewhere safer.
But, I know that my persistence and commitment will get me through this. If I have learned anything, it would be this. Life is going to try and drown you with every turn. If you take swimming lessons, it won't be that bad. By me going back to school, I am taking swimming lessons. Soon, you will swimming through your problems. I am going to swim through this and dry off in a place where my heart can rest.
My motivation is clear. I recognize what I want and I am not going to stop until I get it. My greatest achievement would be to help someone get to where I am trying to get. It is never fun or right to just be out for yourself. Your motivation is your float that keeps you from drowning. Tell us what your motivation is. Once you recognize it, you will that much more closer to success.