She said to me, “I could listen to you all day… I love your videos and I WISH I could listen to you while I’m driving my car (lol).”
It’s been a while since I updated my podcast, “Work and Web Women” and I’ve never really wanted to do my own Blog Talk Radio Show BUT I always want to make sure that I’m helping you with your online business. That being said, I really took her words to heart and decided to dust off the old microphone (lol) and get to work. After many hours of what could only be described as “me talking and laughing to myself in a room” I created SistaSense Talks; a series of audio sessions, in which I tell you exactly how I run my business, get customers, market online, and build my brand in the process.
Another sister said, “I understand that I need to use a blog and social media to market my business online, but it was not until we talked that I finally understood why I needed to be on these spaces.”
You already get that building a website, starting a blog, and being on Facebook can help your business, but as this sista points out, if you DON’T get the why, how, and what you need to do with the web, then you are pretty much walking blind. In case you didn’t know, my blog is called SistaSense because I’m a Sista who learned how to make Sense of Making Money Online. Believe me when I say, you can waste a WHOLE LOT of time trying to pick up little marketing tips here and there or tell yourself that you can figure it out for yourself BUT in reality, listening to someone who has been through what you are going through is the best way to go.
Another sister said, “It was not until I joined your SistaSense Circle that I realized other women were going through the same issues that I was going through.”
Believe it or not, God didn’t create technology so everybody could get it but you (lol). Most folks, (myself included) sometimes feel like “this is just confusing me”, but it’s not. While I love to write eBooks for you, I realize that you might just need a little more than words to help you figure this stuff out. Perhaps right this minute, you need to hear my voice and feel like I’m holding your hand, walking you through the process of figuring out where your online business is to today vs. where it could be in the future.
If you are ready to listen, I am ready to share. SistaSense Talks Audio Sessions | Click here to Download