Relationship Advice

Greetings ladies: If you have not gotten your copy of my new book release "Before the Lights Go Out:11 Keys to Achieve Real Physical Intimacy" then you are missing out.  It's a pre-marital relationship guide for those seeking to be married one day and for those who are already married as it's not too late to seek advice.  Here's one of the many reviews posted on amazon.  To read a sneak preview, go to my website  or get your copy today at  Be blessed.


Blessing in Disguise,

Teresa Beasley (Indianapolis,IN) -

This review is from: Before the Lights Go Out! 11 Keys to Achieve Real
Physical Intimacy (Paperback)
The Lord blesses individuals in
different ways. He sent Quiniece Sheppard to bless readers with a book of
solutions called Before the Lights Go Out: 11 Keys to Achieve Real Physical
Intimacy. This book is a combination of 11 ways to achieve intimacy in your
relationship. Before the Lights Go Out brings out faults in a relationship and
the solutions to make the relationship better. This carefully structured book
provides instructions, prayers, and case studies that will help any couple.
Readers will definitely recognize the issues they are currently having in their
relationships and how they can change it.

My favorite chapter in the
book is "First Key to Achieve Physical Intimacy Is Prayer," I believe this is an
important part of any relationship. Prayer for one another helps develop a bond
and brings strength in the relationship or marriage. Another chapter I really
appreciated was, "Fourth Key To Achieve Physical Intimacy Is Performance," I say
this because it is not referring to a sexual performance but a romantic
performance. This chapter explains a different way to perform in your
relationship or marriage by sending flowers, romantic gestures in a text or
email, or even making a point to set a date night. I believe this is also
important because it reassures the love and intimacy is still alive and

I can write on and on about how wonderful this book is and how
helpful it will be to all that read it but I would spoil some of its qualities.
What I will say is readers will appreciate so many aspects of this book from the
end of the chapter thought-provoking questions to the marriage couples only
section. This is a necessary read for any couple. I definitely recommend this
book to others.

This book was provided by the author for review

Teresa Beasley
APOOO BookClub


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