Attention All Serious Entrepreneur.
The new year is fast approaching and many entrepreneur measure their success based on various factors? Some on the amount of money earned, number of recruits, new skills mastered etc but what about the increase of health? In corporate America many human resource departments are starting to implement required exercise/health programs to reduce insurance cost by promoting good health but who is the advocate for independent business owners? I am!

I want to encourage you, if your a serious entrepreneur, to add a health program to your business plan and measure your success on it. WHY? What does it profit a man to have fortune and not live to enjoy it? "NOT LIVE" does not mean death but it equates to a quality of life. Are you tired all the time, are you missing meals, long meetings. Yes this will get your main focus-Your business-accomplished but in the long run your body will reveal the mistreatment in the form of your metabolism, heart, lungs, joints, name it!

But Kai, I don't need to lose weight. Weight is not the only factor of good health. You can weigh 130lbs and still be at risk for high blood pressure/diabetes. I encourage you to take a look at your business plan in 2011 and add Steps to improve your business in taking care of your health.

Not only for yourself but for your team/employees this is the markings of a true leader.

If you need ideas, would like me to speak to your team feel free to contact me at

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