Three Tips for Improving Your Copywriting Skills

Three Tips for Improving Your Copywriting Skills By Alice Seba, Teacher at Internet Marketing Copy Makeover If you sell any type of product, it’s no secret that copywriting skills (or a skilled copywriter on hand) goes a long way to selling more. We have just a few moments to grab a visitor’s attention, draw them into our offer and make the sale. We need to anticipate their objections and questions because most will click away to another seller instead of sending you an email to ask. It sounds daunting, but it can be done by improving your own copywriting skills. But how do you do that? Here are Your Three Tips: 1. Theory is Important: Getting to know the basics and then applying them to your own business is an important first step to learning to sell more through your writing. Start with a copywriting book or course that takes you from the beginning. 2. Study Others: Take a look at other sales copy that you find compelling and/or know that produces good sales results. Copy reaching a similar target market to yours is helpful, but GOOD copy in any market will give you very good clues to what works and what might not work. 3. Test Your Own: As you apply what you learn to your own copy, track the results. Copywriting isn’t an absolute science and some techniques may or may not work. Make sure you are testing your copy results to ensure you’re working toward continuous improvement. These are the same basic steps I took when getting started. And actually, I still do these things because the cool thing about copywriting is that you can keep getting better all the time — and keep improving your response rates. That’s definitely good for business! Recommended for Further Study: For more help with your crafting copy that will bring you ultra-targeted prospects that will buy from you over and over again, check out Alice Seba's Internet Marketing Copy Makeover. This one-on-one 4-week coaching program is customized to the needs of your unique business and shows you how to transform your current under-performing copy into an effective sales tool.

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