What Would You Do?

Let me just jump straight into it. Just the other day i had a meeting with potential clients. The people i was dealing with required some of my services, they wanted a Business Start Up Plan and Representation. They wanted me to act on their behalf in order to acquire certain property, as a consultant, which was not a problem. So here's where everything changed, they openly asked me to  give a little bit of false information and make it all "worth my while$$$" (I think Auditors get this a lot). I know most of you are already wondering what i did, did i go ahead with it or not.

Here's what i used to make an instant decision. When you start your business, the basic things a consultant will ask you to think about, your vision, mission and values. So how did i use that in order to come up with a decision.

1. Vision: A vision is exactly what i foresee about my business. My business is not a one hit wonder and certainly is not just there for the here and now; this means that all the decisions i make are based on that. I want my companies to be existent in the next 30, 40 and 50 years to come. 

2. Values: These are principles that i stand for and live by and use to make decisions. In my business i have 4 principles:
  • A Standard of Excellence
  • Diligence
  • Integrity &
  • Professional Competence
This means that in all i do i ask myself; Have i displayed a standard of excellence? Am i working with all diligence? Have i portrayed integrity and professional competence?
As the saying goes "if you stand for nothing you fall for anything". 

If i had no vision and values i would have the "anything goes" attitude or the "live for the moment" attitude. A vision gives you direction, focus and it gives you hope of what is yet to come. It motivates you and keeps you going even when everything else seems to be constant because in your mind, you see the bigger picture! Your values represent you, it says a lot about who you are and the principles you live by; some might call me a perfectionist, but i say i am just living by my "standard of excellence" principle. 

I think by now you know what my decision was. I had to reject the project and work. Some may understand it and some may not, but one thing i know for sure, in the next 30, 40 and 50 years time my business will be here, why, because it was built on the foundation of excellence, diligence & honesty.

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  • Great post!
  • Knowing these things will also keep you from selling out and doing things solely for money.Good insight.

    Akim - SoulSeed Tees
  • I agree 100% with your vision and values. As an accountant I am also faced with individuals who want me to "cook the books" and report false information. Now it is my job to help your business grow and to help you keep as much of your income as possible, but I won't break the rules for anyone. I really love your value of professional competence because it is important that you stay educated and current in whatever business environment you operate in. But as you said integrity is key and it should not be compromised for anyone. Great job!
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