Karmen A. Booker is the Founder of Wings of Love Ministries. It is a teaching and evangelistic ministry whose vision is to reach out to as many people as possible before Jesus Christ returns, and encourage and inspire them to accept and commit their lives to Jesus Christ so their lives will be transformed into righteousness, and they will experience unceasing love, joy, and peace.
Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Karmen A. Booker, started Women Destined for Greatness – an Online Women’s Bible Study for the purpose of helping you to grow in the knowledge and understanding of Word of God.
Our online Women’s Bible Study is weekly, and will be Christ-centered, Christ-focused, and Christ-Glorifying. Our bible study topics will undoubtedly empower each woman as she studies, meditates, and applies biblical principles learned in each weekly bible study.
So Start Enhancing Your Christian Journey TODAY by subscribing to the Online Bible Study's Blog - www.womendestinedforgreatness.wordpress.com
Also, Join my Wings of Love Ministries Group, and invite your friends to join at