Your Health is Your Wealth Webinar!!!!

The Millionaire Mindset

Summer Fitness Initiative

 I know it's Friday so I will not keep you too long this evening....I promise this webinar will be worth your while. I am changing it up just a bit to get you fired up about your health........


Join me and my special guest, Erin Macdonald, RD. Erin is a registered dietitian, nutrition and wellness coach. She will share her tips and strategies with you so you can implement some healthy and useful changes to your diet that will not bore you like other fab diets. Bring all of your questions and comments to the forum and let us work together to make your health a priority once again!


When: TODAY, July 15, 2011

Time: 8pm EST/5pm PST

Call in number: 218. 862.1300

Access Code: 754944

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