

March 15


What's Your Business?

Trust & Estate Planning Training

About Me:

Not a sista or a Mom. A Dadpreneur A man with a girl's name: Francis (actually girl's spell it Frances)



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  • Greetings!

    This is LaShanda Henry, founder of Black Business Women Online. I hope you are enjoying the network. If you want to really get started, Grab your FREE Black Business Starter Kit which includes social networking tips, webinars, and more.


    If you already signed up for the Kit that's Great! Have an amazing day.

  • a href="http://www.mybannermaker.com" target="_blank">Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!
    The Southern Entertainment Awards, oringinally out of Nashville, at Harrahs casino in Tunica, Ms. I am nominated this yr. I need everyone support on this voting process. It take jus a minute to go to the site(link below) Click BALLOT tab..VOTE will appear..Click it...look for the catagory: INDUSTRY POWER PLAYER(FEMALE)..YOU DO NOT HAVE TO VOTE IN EVERY CATAGORY...they will send you a comformation email that you MUST click to make your vote count..I have worked soo hard over the years, especially being a woman in the music industry, dealing with men who have tested my Womanhood and Rank..and have LOST... I'm humble for this reconition by my peers, and would love to be the FIRST BLACK WOMAN to bring this award home..Please comment on my page after you have voted for me..so I can see who my voters were(email all your friends to do the same)..thank all of you who already voted for me..and I know I cant win without YOU!!Please add me...

    SISTA..Wishing you nothing but business luv & success...
  • Not just for Black People. Cash in on the Multi-Billion Dollar African American
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    Show your support and build your business.

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    What’s MISSING from this picture? YOU!
  • It has just been brought to my attention by a ryze member that our website is a great idea, however, we could use some updating. We are looking for someone to update and maintain our site. However, currently there are no members to select from. (Spread the Word)

    Hello Everyone,

    We have just launched our new website (www.recycleurmoney.com). The purpose of our site is to help promote small businesses by means of our network members shopping with each other.

    The concept is for businesses to sign on as members and then we begin to shop from each other. Although classified ads are free, we encourage entrepreneurs to list their businesses in our listing and become members. It would be a good idea to use the classifieds ads for special offers and events. The Member Business Listing area will make it easy for other businesses to find your products or services. Also, as we grow, we will spotlight businesses from our listing along with special alerts for specific projects.

    The cost of the membership is only $12.00 a year. This small investment of $ 1.00 a month could potentially earn you millions. As consumers, will spend thousands of dollars annually on goods and services, and most of the time we get nothing in return to support our businesses. By using our own network members, we will create wealth among our circle of members.

    I recently attended a workshop and one of the presenters made a statement that stuck with me. The presenter said, “As small business owners we should do business with those that do business with us”.

    As a small business owner, I am aware of the sweat and tears that go into growing a business. I am hopeful that you will allow www.recycleurmoney.com to be one of the resources you use to make your business ventures successful. Let’s work together to grow our businesses and spread the wealth.

    Hope to see you there!

    Sharon Hunter
    CEO and Founder
    Recycle Ur Money.com
  • Thanks! Look forward to chatting with you soon!
  • Hey,

    I need your help. I have just started a new website. It is designed to help businesses grow. Business Listings and advertising does cost a small fee. However, it cost nothing to post a classified ad. Most of us have a business or something that we are selling, therefore, I would appreciate it if you would just sign up and post a free classified. Please spread the word. The website is www.recycleurmoney.com.

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