

Memphis, TN


February 26



Why do you want to join Black Business Women Online?

To network with other sistapreneurs

What's Your Business?

Freelance Writer/Journalist

About Me:

I've spent 14 years in the fields of, journalism, public relations, marketing, advertising web design, and graphic design. I have a BA in Journalism and over the years my writing has included copywriting, business writing, press releases, magazine/newspaper reporting. Journalism, PR & Business-related. I'm also have an 11 yr. old son.



Favorite Website


What are your most common online activities?

research, reading news

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  • Hello! I'm new and wanted to introduce you to my business, Ardyss International. Take a look and feel free to contact me with questions.

  • Greetings!

    This is LaShanda Henry, founder of Black Business Women Online. I hope you are enjoying the network. If you want to really get started, Grab your FREE Black Business Starter Kit which includes social networking tips, webinars, and more.


    If you already signed up for the Kit that's Great! Have an amazing day.

  • Greetings from Atlanta, GA! I am glad to see you are a member on Sisters Space!

    I invite you to promote your business, organization or network on my Network (http://4charity.ning.com/). Together we can support each other’s cause. 4charity Social Networking was designed for individuals to promote their business or organization and also, to come together to plan social events for Children Charities. Please view our current event: 48 hours. This event will be April 25th – 27th. This year’s 48 Hours will consist of taking homeless kids bowling, to give back at a service event, field day and a picnic, a lock-in, a makeover, a shopping spree and a photo shoot.

    SO, The Search is on. Volunteers are NEEDED! STANDUP FOR KIDS is an all volunteer program, so for us to be there for our homeless kids, we need your help! If you or someone you know is interested in getting involved e-mail me at: four4charity@yahoo.com. You can also visit the site: http://www.standupforkids.org/.

    Let me know if I can be of any assistance. I'm always looking forward to lend a helping hand. Also, let me know what your favorite Children’s Charity is!

    Visit 4charity Social Network

  • So happy to connect with you here! Would be honored to have you join my site for women and highlight/showcase your business, you would definitely add value! www.superwomanlifestyle.com
  • Hi Eunice,

    We have some things in common and we're in some of the same groups.
  • Hello! Thank you so much for taking a moment to visit my page. I hope things are moving forward for you. I’d like to ask a favor from you. I'm working on an event for my client. Would you mind forwarding this event, to as many people on your friends list? I would appreciate it so much. For more information about my client visit: www.myspace.com/jessecampbellmusic
    Thanks in advance,
    Deborah Griffin
    Strictly Industry/DAG Consulting
  • Hi there! Isn't it absolutely wonderful to be part of such an awesome community!

    I really love hanging out with so many positive minded people!

    If you want to learn over 80 ways you can market
    your business for free I invite you to download an eBook I put together.
    I normally charge $27 for it but I will give it free to anyone who is
    from this network and who needs it.
    Consider my gift to helping you get what you want!

    Here’s the special link I created for members of this network to download it for free:
    Free Web Traffic Course-Get it Now!!

    Don't forget to add me as your friend! If I am already one of your friends don’t be such a stranger! Geesh!!!


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    The Southern Entertainment Awards, oringinally out of Nashville, at Harrahs casino in Tunica, Ms. I am nominated this yr. I need everyone support on this voting process. It take jus a minute to go to the site(link below) Click BALLOT tab..VOTE will appear..Click it...look for the catagory: INDUSTRY POWER PLAYER(FEMALE)..YOU DO NOT HAVE TO VOTE IN EVERY CATAGORY...they will send you a comformation email that you MUST click to make your vote count..I have worked soo hard over the years, especially being a woman in the music industry, dealing with men who have tested my Womanhood and Rank..and have LOST... I'm humble for this reconition by my peers, and would love to be the FIRST BLACK WOMAN to bring this award home..Please comment on my page after you have voted for me..so I can see who my voters were(email all your friends to do the same)..thank all of you who have already voted for me....and I know I cant win without YOU!!Please add me...

    SISTA..wishing u nothing but business luv & success...
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