

Fort Washington

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About Me:

My name is Laurice A. Marshall. I decided to start making jewelry for fun. I wanted something different and unique in my jewelry. I love designing jewelry for every woman from every race and background. I love the beauty in all of us as women and can appreciate the difference in us all. The difference in us inspire me to keep designing unique pieces. When I'm designing I let my ideas go to different lands and see the beauty in that land. That is what designing does for me; it allows me to step out of my box and just create!!! The natural stones I work with are from the earth, they are so beautiful, the color and texture...are just amazing and so wonderful to work with. It inspires me so much I guess that's why I don't run out of ideas. This is truly my passion. I think a woman's jewelry should make her look and feel extra beautiful. I feel that jewelry can be a wonderful piece of artwork and that's the look I'm going for... ART!! When you are wearing my Jewelry Line you will be wearing a beautiful piece of art that only you have. I design one of a kind pieces because I never like having something that someone else has. So on very rare occasions I will design more than one. I feel so strongly about it that if I find out that someone had the same example "dress" as mine, I would give it away. The world is such a large and wonderful place that if you really look at it, nothing is the same from the flowers to the birds etc.... Why should we all be or look the same,what fun is in that? I guess that's why I love my name, it's not a lot of Laurice's out there.



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