Monterey, CA
Monterey, CA
May 12
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I am looking for an opportunity to network with entrepenurial women
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Miche Bags and SheWear Hair by Lina
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ARE YOU FEARLESS? Thank you for your interest in Miche! I am glad you found my page :) I am really looking forward to hearing more about how you heard about Miche and how I can help you. I will return your email within 24 hours. In the meantime let me tell you a few things about Miche: 1) We are a debt free company that has been around for over 5 years. Miche is in extreme growth mode right now with 400% growth this year alone. Since we are nowhere near a household name, there is SO much growth still to happen. A company only grows once, and right now it is a fantastic time to get involve. 2) The company has three things they focus on: Friendship, Freedom, and Fun. Friendship because the compensation plan rewards teamwork, supporting each other, and working as a team. Freedom because Miche corporate wants everyone to gain financial freedom and to be debt free. Fun because of all the things that you can do once you are out of debt and able to spend your time and money how you want! 3) In addition to all of the great tools that Miche provides to each consultant, I also have a team facebook page that allows us to stay connected to one another. There is always someone who can help you out and answer questions that come up. The goal is to provide a positive network of men and women who support one another with their Miche businesses. 4) As a member of the Diva Lifestylist Team, I will help to identify and to reach your business goals. We have a simple 3 step process that shows the proven steps to success. Whether you want to do this sometime, part-time, or full time, you can be successful with Miche. 5) As an Independent Miche Representative, you will be able to help people earn life changing income with the one bag that changes everything. As you help others, you will reap the rewards of the Miche LifeStyle. I hope to hear from you soon. Please let me know what kind of questions you have! I have attached a few documents for you to take a look at. You can also take a look at my website which has all the product information and prices in it https://linawilliams.miche.com . Thanks again for reaching out! So, what’s your LifeStyle?
What are your most common online activities?
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Hi Lina, Thank you for inviting me as a friend. May we continue to empower ourselves, grow and prosper.
Hello, I want to share a few tools with you that's made a lot of difference in my business.
http://businessvidz.com this is free software that teaches you how to use twitter to make money.
http://sharedaluv.farrell10.hop.clickbank.net this website teaches you how to build you list first before selling a product online so you will always have a market to sell too. this is an auto responder that I'm learning to rely on heavily to help monitor your list of clients

Become a Free Agent, companies like WalMART, Best Buy, Norstroms, Sears, Target, Circuit City, Home Depot and thousands more pay us to expand their internet shopping networks. And the best part "It's Free to get Involved"Watch the video and you'll see how you can be doing the same thing I'm doing and it's FREE to get involved and be a Rep making commissions from the sales in your own Mall,
Click here Sign-Up
Click on Bob and Shirley
Watch the video
Thank you for the request.
LINA! ADD Me for a FRIEND! Hello from Ann Dandridge! Can't wait to meet You! Ann Dandridge POWERFUL PEOPLE and FRIENDS
Eula M. Young, COO
I also am currently looking for wonderful success stories for an interview section of my blog! If you have a great story to tell message me! I will be highlighting different people or business owners from all over the World! Advertise your products!
Hope to discuss talk with you soon!