

Spring, TX


March 28


Why do you want to join Black Business Women Online?


What's Your Business?

Specializing in Professionally Handcrafted Prayer Jewelry

How did you find BBWO?


About Me:

I desire to save those who have lost their Faith in God. Prayer Changes Things! I'm a living a testimony! my banner



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What are your most common online activities?

Shopping On-Line





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  • Hi Melody!


    Hope all is going well with your biblical prayer bracelets!


    Wishing you much success!


    Please visit us at www.kaisdreamhair.com


    We specialize in high quality units.


    Ask us about our "Special Offer"  where you

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    Contact me if you have more questions.




  • Hello Superwoman,
    I would like to invite you to check out my blog...Which is an empowering blog dedicated to Today's Woman...highlighting articles related to woman.
    I use Celebrity and real life examples to discuss different topics related to relationships, fashion, hair and music. You will thoroughly enjoy!
    Check it out at http://superwomanspeaks2010.blogspot.com/ join up to follow my blog as certain contests will be available soon related to the articles. You can also follow me on twitter @superwomanspeak I also am currently looking for wonderful success stories for an interview section of my blog! If you have a great story to tell message me! I will be highlighting different people or business owners from all over the World! triciawhiteinc@hotmail.com
    Hope to talk with you soon!

  • Peace and light,

    It is great to have meet you and it is nice to be in like-minded community. I hope your life and your business is blessed and filled with abundance, light, ease, and happiness.

    Stay well,
    Ten Nebula
  • What Are You Doing?

    To Ensure Long - Term Financial Stability...
    To Guard Against Unstable Economy...
    To Prepare For Retirement...
    To Have More Expendable Income...

    Don't Wait On The Economy!

    Do Something About Your Financial Future/Security...
    Discover What It Is YourNight Members Are Doing
    To Earn Great Money In These Hard Times...


    Sign - Up! It's FREE & Fun!

  • Happy New Year! I wanted to take a few moments to introduce my company TCM & Associates. My company provides Business Develpment & Financial Services. Please stop by my site www.tcmandassociates.net to view our services. While you are there, please leave me your business information for our directory.

    I would love to be your business associate - feel free to add me as your friend.


    GREAT CONCEPT! I work with a large group of nonprofits and will let them know about your products
  • Melody,

    Hello! Myspace Comments

    And, to Invite you to join me on my New Network: EboneeForever.Ning.com
    Start treating Yourself to a little ME TIME TODAY! With that said make sure that you make yourself at home on MY Network and at My page; and, treat yourself to my wonderful, 100% Natural, (Inexpensive), Fabulous products that leave you and your skin feeling pampered...You won't be disappointed!

    ~Ms Ebonée
  • Free Government Auction

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  • Hi sweetie , thank you so much for your message on my page, I appreciate it. I am sorry that I am just getting back to you but my computer has not been working, thank God it is fix now so I can speak with all my sisterfriends here on BBWO. Peace and Blessings To You, I hope that we can keep in touch when we can.
    Happy labor Day!
  • Hello Melody,

    Your product is unique. Please consider getting a business account and adding it onto the BBN. Here's more information. Please accept my invitation to add me as a friend and connect with 26,000+ black professionals that are supporting each other's businesses. It is a powerful group with lots of benefits and opportunity to connect with other powerful black professionals and their families all around the world. We are currently in the pre-launch phase, so can you imagine what's going to happen after the launch this month in Atlanta, GA.

    This is one of the hottest, new websites on the Internet, called www.globalblackbusinessnetwork.com. Black people are uniting to network and support black businesses. It's really great. If you’re ready to be a part of a movement that will create wealth in our communities (that means you) I encourage you to click on the link, JOIN and list yourself (for FREE) for exposure and reach for your products and/or services. This is also an awesome resource to find and buy black products/services from black professionals (join for FREE). Visit the site and check out the businesses where brothers and sistas are part of this GROWING movement to “Buy Black”.
    Be blessed,

    Barb B, MBA
    Black Business Network
  • So happy to connect with you here! Would be honored to have you join my site for women and highlight/showcase your business, you would definitely add value! www.superwomanlifestyle.com
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